Oasis New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian based organization that is actively ministering to the homeless, needy and addicted in our communities. We are dedicated to touching the lives of these precious people for Jesus Christ. We rely on the teachings of Jesus Christ as the foundation for all that we do. We rely on the Holy Spirit to empowwer us to carry all this out.
Our mission is to provide a Christ centered recovery and restoration facility. We will offer long term encouragement, support and ministry. We are dedicated to the restoration, healing and rebuilding of the broken and wounded lives of men, women and children.
We are taking Jesus to the streets. We witness in neighborhoods, parks and alleys. We evangelize through music, drama and preaching the good news that Jesus Christ came to save us, and heal all our infirmities. We provide food, clothing, temporary shelter and medical assistance.
Our vision is to open a large facility to provide long term shelter and restoration. At this time we are negotiating a lease for a 24,000 square foot building. We want to provide an Oasis where Churches of all denominations in Palm Beach County can send those who desperately need a helping hand in their recovery. A center where the church body can unite to work together to help bring our friends to wholeness in Christ.
We will provide:
*Seperate living areas for men and women.
*Dining facilities, clothing, medical and dental care.
*Emphasis on building an intimate relationship with God through
discipleship classes, Bible study and prayer.
*Bible based classes on finances, work ethics, parenting and
building healthy relationships.
*GED and practical work skills training.
Homelessness and addiction are deeply rooted. Only long term care in the Lord Jesus Christ can make a lasting change. United in our support, as one body in Christ, we can help to restore lives.
How often do we find ourselves in church on Sunday morning hurt, lonely and ashamed. sometimes we feel that God has forgotten us. We struggle with the same issues in our lives never knowing true freedom from the bondage of sexual addiction, lust, pornography, spousal and child abuse, adulttery and fornication. These are pretty heavy subjects, but these are the very things that keep many Christians and non-Christians from experiencing the true peace and freedom that God has for them.
Many of us find ourselves kneeling at the altar, confessing in confessionals, or just crying out in our beds at night, "God help me, I'm so sorry Lord. Please forgive me." Over and over, every day the same cry for help. You know God, but do not understand the power and freedom He has for you. You have been prayed for, annointed with oil, and you have promised Him a thousand times, but never released.
These words will strike the very hhearts of some preachers, pastors, priests and clergy. Presidents, paupers, lawyers and doctors. Husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. There is a healing for you. God wants to use you in a way that you have only dreamed of.
In order to restore you to the person God meant you to be, you will need to go to God and ask him to show you the damage and pain that your actions have caused. Next ask God to show you all your relatives who exhibit the same behavior you do. Many of the addictions we have are not addictions at all, but spiritual bondage deply rooted throughout the generations of our families.
God cleaarly tells us how to gain freedom and deliverance. In Isaiah chapter 58 God tells us to share our food with the hungry, provide the poor wanderer with shelter and not to turn away from our own flesh and blood. We know that when we are acting out in our sin we are abondoning our loved ones, the members of our own household.
God tells us that if we aid the hungry, naked and homeless that our healing will quickly appear. Don't think you have to wait until you are perfect to help others, because that day will never come. We are directed by God to help first. God can use you right where you are. As you begin to minister to others you will begin to minister to yourself. You see God has more for you than healing. He wants to mold you into a vessel for a new purpose. JER 18 1,4 It is the plan of the evil one to keep you in bondage. As you reach out to others, so your healing will quickly appear. Those who are enslaved to fear and abandonement, because of your addictions, will also find freedom in your restoration.
Well I hope you will reach out and take God's loving plan to free you. What better plan can there be than to have you helping others and yourself at the same time.
Until next month may God Bless You.
BUSINESS (561) 733-2147
FAX (561) 733-2961
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