George has nearly 40 years of ministry experience and has worked with numerous individuals, couples, and families representing thousands of hours of counseling time. He is also a Charter Member of the Association of Biblical Counselors and practices the Standards of Conduct and Code of Ethics for Biblical Counselors. George primarily uses the Cognitive-Behavioral method in counseling with a strong Biblical emphasis. Below is a list of our areas of focus. Both in-office and phone counseling are available. If you would like to set up an appointment please contact us. We are located at 4585 Hilton Parkway, Suite 202, Colorado Springs CO 80907 (in the Wings of Grace offices). Please note that we do not accept insurance.
Renewal Ministries is a Member of the Association of Biblical Counselors.
George was warm and friendly and always put us at ease. He was extremely encouraging and transparent, which helped us in discussion. We were given some valuable insights for our upcoming marriage.
God used you in our lives in a powerful way. Your presence, counsel, prayer, and phone calls have been a source of healing and hope.
Pastor & Mrs.
I think of George as a person who is not just a theologian, but also a believer who leads by example. His personal relationship with the Father has brought him through the many struggles that we all face, in a way that is an example to everyone with whom he has come in contact.
Dr. WA
I knew that I needed to speak to someone as I was really hurting and needed to talk but it was very difficult for me to admit that my marriage had sunk to an all-time low like it did. . . He hit me between the eyes with a statement that really caught my attention. It is a statement I will never forget as long as I live. This was my true wake up call, literally — George stated that “if you lose your family because of ministry, you have already disqualified yourself from ministry.” Wow! By now the tears were flowing from my eyes. . . The Lord used him to save the marriage and ministry of a front-line soldier who loves Jesus but is still trying to figure out how to balance it all with the daily challenges of leading God’s people. . . In 13 years of marriage, my marriage with my beautiful bride, has never been better.
Pastor MK
Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your message this morning. You were right on target and your illustration was exceptionally effective.
Pastor GL
For any and all who have a need for Godly counsel and spiritual direction, George would be among those at the top of my list of recommended providers.
JF Ph.D.
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