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Alexander Daniel Ministries

7302 Blanco Pines, • Humble, TX 77346-3194 • United States • 281-852-1200/see/charmin/CM01290

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My name is Alexander Daniel, and I was born and raised in South India. My grand father was a Hindu idol worshipper. But Jesus changed his life and made him a minister of the gospel for many years. My father was also in the ministry for 57 years. I accepted Jesus when I was eight years old. Since I was ten years old, I started to share the gospel on the street without the power of the Holy Spirit. Then one day, I felt there was something missing in my life that I should seek after. After searching through the Word of God, I was cinvinced that what I needed in my life was the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When I cried to Jesus, He helped me and baptized me in the Holy Spirit. Since that time I have found a new zeal for God, stronger anointing and confidence which I had never before. I have discovered new ministries and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus was moved with compassion and love toward the multitude, the Spirit of Jesus sent me all across the country of India to minister the Gospel. In spite of much resistance from the radicale people, I was able to reach many people. Jesus performed many miracles and healing among the people. The Lord taught me how to walk by faith and to trust Him for my every need. Whenever I had greater needs in my life, I always confessed Psalms 37:25 " I have been young, and now I am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Or his seed begging bread." Time after time the Lord proved His Word. Praise God ! Since my parents were missionaries, I spent 28 years in both north as well as south India, which included my early childhood years and my college years. The Lord saved my life a few times from the jaws of death. In 1962, the Lord spoke to me and confirmed my ministry that He would sent me out of India to many nations to minister the gospel. In 1968, I was able to work with Pastor John Osteen in his gospel crusade in India. Later in 1971, it was through Pastor Osteen that I was able to come to USA. Pastor John & Dodie Osteen have influenced my life tremendously. In 1972, I was ordained as a minister from Lakewood Church. This same year, I married my wife Rita in Houston at Lakewood. We have four children: Sharon (24),John (18),Paul & Peter (16). For the last twenty seven years I have been traveling around the world preaching the gospel. I conduct leadership training conferences and healig seminars around the world. I have been establishing Bible Schools in India, and we are hoping to expand our present ministry there. My vision is to reach the unreached humanity of the world and tell them about Jesus at any cost. I would like to reach the third world nations with medical, team conduct crusades, seminars, and open healing clinics for the hurting people, and have 24 hour prayer hotlines.

Other Ministries

Currently, I am the President of TEAM INTERNATIONAL, a team of businessmen, engineers, doctors, scientists,technocrats and ministers from India. " TEAM "stands for Training to transform the lives, Educating to equip, Assistance, and Maintenance. The TEAM's objects are to establish and actively participate in gospel work, to promote joint ventures and partnership in gospel work, to establish mega gospel centers in the major cities in the world for propagating the message of Jesus Christ, to propagate education to the unreached, to establish schools for teaching Bible and for better livelihood, to establish Video Bible schools, to propagate help to the poor and the needy, to establish medical clinics and other facilities. TEAM INTERNATIONAL is looking for talented visionary spirit filled people who have the divine calling in their lives to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ. We highly cherish your prayer and all out support for this ministry. If you want to get involveed in any manner with this ministry, the interested people can contact me at my email address.

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