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Agape Ministries

10524 cowmill rd, • Knoxville, TN 37931 • United States • 865-924-3146/see/charmin/CM09748

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To reach the truth of walking in god , to not have a form of god that most of the church has to day.To care a bout those who our hurting ,to reach out and help needs of those who our in need to form a job bank for others who seek work to feed them selfs and family. To show gods love through real action as he did so mustwe obey as christ says feed them help those who our hurting. Not just we will pray for you, but thats it. This is not gods way ,we must help and take care of the real needs in ones life and share christ with them at the same time this and only this will reach them for the kindom of god . When they see gods love not just a quick fix, but to go that extra mile to carry them when they are at the lowest point to build there lifes up with the lord and savior Jesus Christ directing us in all ways to help then and only then christain and non christian be reached for the kingdom to come.They must see gods love in us to want it.

Become part of this Vision ToShow Christs Love .

Come Join us to win the battle , to reach the hurting to teach those who can be open to the word of god. To show the love of christ who shed his blood on the cross for our sins, To provide needs to help others with work , food a home to live in . Help us to help all those god brings our way.Be come a part of this Ministrie, with its new way of spirit filled thinging. Help in any way you feel god leads you The time is now to show the world gods people our real .

                                                               With Love In Christ                  Wade Saxon

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