Dear Beloved in Christ, By the grace of God, we have started our ministries by name 'SALT and LIGHT MINISTRIES'. We are very much inspired by loving words of Jesus. "You are the salt of the world". "You are the light of the world". "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven". Matthew 5: 13-16 I'm hereby furnishing our ministry details: vision, plan & present ministry status to you in brief. Kindly uphold these prayer points in your daily prayers and also share it with your friends and in your congregation. If God speaks to you, kindly support and raise some sponsors for our ministries.
Ministry Vision My maternal uncle, my wife and I are basically school teachers. While I was doing a short term course in 'The Fowey Lodge Bible School, New Zealand' in the year 1996, God gave me a vision to dedicate my life for His work. Since then, I have been praying for my behavior modification and complete salvation. God had opened a way for me; took me to several places to understand all the concepts related to sinful heredity, wicked environment, unsaved people's priorities, hooks of demons and the salvation in Christ. After ten years, lately, when I prayed to God, He spoke to me through the verse from Isaiah 10:25 Very soon my anger against you will end. From Isaiah 09: 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. Ministry Plan Build Prayer house for 24 hours Prayer Ministry and to hold seminars for motivating and training Christians with Christian life skills to make them salt and light of the world. Raise prayer partners through online-church messages; to hold conventions and crusades for the youth and unsaved people. Visit, preach and strengthen several churches, irrespective of their denominations. Start a school for the poor and orphan kids to train them with Christ-centered curriculum and to make them fishers of men in the near future. Write and publish Christian books, magazines and broadcast TV ministry programs. Present Status of our Ministry As per the above vision we have started our mission in the year 2004. Uncle Ezra is delivering spirit-filled messages every evening after school hours in several surrounding villages around our native place Repalle town, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh state in South India. Besides, my wife and I have been looking after our online-church work from Bangkok city, Thailand; compiling messages and emailing them to people around the world every day after my school hours. We earn US$500 each every month and started our mission works spending 10% of our salaries. Recently, we purchased a second-hand car in India for reaching distant villages, but could not maintain it and sold it. My wife has donated a 220 yards plot in Hyderabad city for constructing `Salt and Light Ministries' main center. Prayer Request We need your prayers for building and promoting this ministry. Kindly uphold us and our ministry in your prayers. Besides, we wish to share our ministry details and needs on request. We pray and await your response in Christ. Samuel J. Naligala
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