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P.O Box 1274,1000 Monrovia 10,Liberia, West Africa • MONROVIA, MONTSERRADO • Liberia • Tel:231 7707-4827/see/charmin/CM08916

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C atering ,equipping and helping churches build potential and confident Christian Leaders and teachers. A pplying the wisdom and principles of the word of God through the power of the Holy Ghost under the covenant and anointing of the blood of Christ. M inistering and motivating believers to maintain Christian principles/values and noms. N egating all evil plans of the devil trying to stop the mission of winning souls for Christ. I mplementing the expertise necessary to fulfill the great commission of reaching our generation for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christain Apostolic Missionary Network Ministry International(CAMNI) is a Bible Faith-based network ministry aimed at uniting Churches and Ministries ,having a concern for strengthening and supporting Churches and Ministries through networking.CAMNI also focus on linking international Churches and ministries or organizations which have the intention of affiliating with local churches and ministries.CAMNI solicit partners to carry on this mission.


                                           CAMNI operates Speciallized programs which include:        1.The School of Missions(SOM).This program's mission and responsibility is to train Leaders and Teachers from various churches.      2.The Foreign Mission and Evangelistic program ,has the responsibility to connect foreign ministries and Christian organization with local ministries. The evangelistic arm of this program carry out outrach activities in prisons,hospitasls, campusesand market places with the word of God to revive the world.      3.The Covenant Missionaries of Charity:(COMITY). This Department organizes programs /projects to address the Physical and Social needs of the destitutes ,most especially the orphans,widows,oldfolks,the disabled as well as the underserved welfare institutions. COMITY also raise funds to support local Churches ,Christian Education,Vocational training programs and award scholarships to children of poor financial Status. This department of the network is composed of two sections: a.Christian Relief and Development Services, b.Christian Missionary and Education Endowment Fund. /art/anim/misc/thanks.gif  CAMNI is a nonprofiting Ministry.We are in need to carryout effective work.If the Lord touch you,you can sow seed in this network.                         

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