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P.O. BOX 166,, • KISII, NYANZA 40200 • KENYA-EAST AFRICA. • 254721945885/see/charmin/CM08652

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1. EVANGELISM GREAT COMMISSSION (a) To do open air crusades (b) Teaching the word of God (c) In door conferences, Seminars and revivals (d) Widows, the poor, the destitute and orphans ministry (e) AIDS/HIV awareness ministry 2. TO GIVE SPIRITUAL COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCE: to equip the body of Christ 3. TO SEND OUT MISSIONARIES AND MINISTERS: To Africa and the rest of the world. 4. TO IDENTIFY, PROMOTE AND UTILIZE: gifts, talents and callings in the body of Christ. STATEMENT OF FAITH S.W.A.M. TEAM 1. We believe the almighty God the creater of heaven and earth, and the trinity - God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. 2. We believe that Jesus Christ is God's begotten son. Conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, who came as God in the flesh. Who shade his blood for the remission of our sins. Died, was buried and rose on the third day for our justification. He seateth at God's right hand, and will come back to judge the living and the dead. 3. We believe in the ordinances of the church, water baptism by immersion, holy matrimony, dedications of children and ordinations of ministers. 4. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the five fold ministerial gifts: 1. Apostles 2. Prophets 3. Evangelists 4. Pastors 5. Teachers eph 4:11 5. We believe in the great commission (mark 16:15-18, math 28:19-20) 6. We believe in righteous and holy living and that those that are justified live by faith in obedient to the whole counsel of God. 7. We believe in the judgement and that the righteous shall go to heaven and the wicked shall go to hell. The s.w.a.m. Ministry team needs your prayers, material and financial support. for more information contact the founder and director: pastor Joseph n. Kaguai at the above e-mail and phone address. God richly bless you as you extend your hand to wards this ministry. Read prov. 25:25


Though in prison, He had a conviction that God was able to deliver Him. Daniel 3:16-18, Shadrack, Meshack and Abedenego had also a conviction that their God would deliver them Daniel 6:16-17. What will get us out of our problems is the conviction and pursuation that the God we serve is exceedingly able Roman 4:16-17. Abraham while very old, had a conviction that God will give him the son he has promised him. Numbers 13:30. Caleb had conviction that they would defeat the giants and that is why the ten with the bad report died in the wilderness but Joshua and Caleb with the good report and the conviction continued and possessed the land. Genesis 39:9, Joseph and Potiphars wife-Joseph overcame because of the conviction he had and the fear of His God. Even in prison God was with Joseph and Paul. FOUNDATIONS OF OUR CONVICTIONS. 1. They knew God does not lie and God is God 1Sam15:20-25, Number 23:19-20. God looks at our actions not our words. The ministry of intercesion is not anywhere in the Bible. The only time is when God is looking for a man or woman to interceed. Whatever God says will come to pass. 2. GOD IS FAITHFUL. 2THESS 5:24, 2 Tim10:13 God will not deny Himself. John 21:1-3, Peter had already backslided but Jesus still restored him because he is always faithful. Romans 3:4. Let every man be a liar and God be true. Deut 7:9 we see God's faithfulness to Moses. 1Cor 1:9 - God is faithful coz he is the one who called you. 1Cor 10:13 - no temptation will overcome you beyond your endurance. God will find or provide a way out for you. 2Thess:3:3 He is faithful , He who will establish you and keep you from evil. May the Lord blesshis word. If this message is a blessing to you, l kindly request you to partner with me in this great work as we take the word to many parts of our region. You could also call or email me at the above addresses. God richly bless you abundantly. In His and your Service, Pastor Joseph Kaguai - Kisii, Kenya East Africa

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