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Do you know Jesus Christ?

First do you kow who you re? you re specil cretio of God! Kig Dvid sid i pryer to Our Lord "For you creted my imost beig,You kit me together i my mother's womb.I prise you becuse I m ferfully d woderfully mde; Your works re woderful,I kow tht full well"(Pslm 139:13-14)But lthough God creted us uique d i His imge our lives hve bee spoiled, tited, by our si. Ad our si seprtes us from our Holy Cretor God. explied i the Holy Bible, which is the oly true word of God."There is o oe righteous,ot eve oe: There is o oe who uderstds,o oe who seeks God. All hve tured wy, they hve together becme worthless" (Roms 3:10-12). The Bible lso declres tht"the wges of si is deth"(Roms 6:23). This is ot simply physicl deth,But more importt, d immedite, is our "spiritul" deth. Our si dedes tht prt of us tht coects with god.We hve bee cut off from Him. The result is tht we wlk i drkess,d ofte blid to our ow si. Eve by livig "good life".But we re still stumblig roud i the drkess. Ad oe dy ll those couterfeits we grsp t will be completely swept wy.Ad those people who re still severed from God will"go wy to eterl puishmet"(Mtthew 25:46). But ito the drkess, God hs shied His light. The Bible sys,"For God so loved the world tht He gve His oe d oly So, tht who ever believes i him shll ot perish but hve eterl life"(Joh 3:16). God Loves us so much tht He set His ow So,Jesus Christ, bor of virgi to py the pelty for our si. Jesus ws spit o,bete stripped of His clothig the Pilte the Rom goveror hd Jesus flogged, d set Him to be iled to cross werig crow of thors. Crucifictio is the most piful kid of deth to edure. So our Lord Jesus Christ died o the cross so we could be sved. Ad s our Lord Jesus sid, o the third dy He rose from the ded, provig tht He loe hs the power over deth d the drkess of our si. Jesus promises this:"Becuse I live, you lso will live" (Joh14:19) So my brothers,d sisters,The time is ow! Just get o your kees d sy simple pryer from your broke hert. Lord Jesus, I m moved by your giizig pssio o the cross. I uderstd tht it ws my sis tht you You sufferes.Thk You for Yoru scrifice. Thk You for lovig me so pssiotely. Plese forgive me of my sis. I wt to tur my life roud d begi ew life with You s my Lord d Svior.Thk You for coquerig si d deth so tht I c hve eterl life with You. Ame. Brothers d Sisters if you pryed this this pryer you re ow i the Fmily of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Welcome d God bless. Fid Holy Bible"Word of God" Techig Church d strt goig soo. You c E-Mil me with y questios you might hve, we will ll grow i the Lord together. you c use the web site or emil us t. (

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