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The Collins Family Southern Gospel Music Ministry

1063 N Jackson st, • Andrews, In 46702 • United States • 260-786-0427/see/charmin/CM06641

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Reaching The World One Song At A Time

( Our Testimony ) Dear Friends, Since GOD used us to write our title song for our new CD, "Mommy I Saw Angels", we have heard many beautiful testimonies of miracles and angels. Our son Derek, inspired this song. When he was born we noticed little marks on his eyes and nose and a big mark across his little back. Our doctor told us they were called angels kisses. So we have always told him he has been kissed by the angels. We never realized until two years ago just how true that statement was going to be. Derek developed breathening problems around 3 months old. They found that Derek had asthma. They were going to do some futher testing on him but he developed RSV (a very serious lung infection) and by the time we got to the emergency room his bronical tubes were swallowen to the size of an ink pen dot. He was hospitazed with a 50% -50% chance of making it. They also ran a sweat chloride test on him and it came back positive. He was released from one hospital and sent to another hospital to confirm the first test. It too came out positive. Our son had cystic fibrosis. But GOD had spared his life.While in the hospital, there was a sweet little black lady that always did all of Derek's breathening treatments and precussion. When we finally got ready to leave the hospital with Derek, this wonderful black nurse asked that if we ever got back up there to stop in because she wanted to see Derek again. So we told her we would and she wrapped Derek in a little hospital quilt and bought him ballons and carried him out ot our car, tears streaming down her face. We went back to the hospital 2 weeks later for a checkup on Derek and stopped in at respiratory to see her. No one knew who we were talking about. They even tried to pull Derek's charts to get her name and there were no charts to be found. We told them she was a sub and they told us they hadn't had any subs in over 6 months. We went to the pediatric ward and talked to the nurses that were on duty when she was there taking care of Derek and not one of them remembered her. This was the first of Dereks angels. We believe that she was there that day, looking down at our son that she so loving cared for. And I believe that tears of joy filled her eyes as she saw him safe and sound. There is no cure for Cystic Fibrosis, the only cure is JESUS CHRIST. And we are blessed to be the parents of GOD's special little child. Oh how blessed we are that GOD would chose us to care for Derek. Well anyway to try to keep this fairly short let me skip ahead now to Derek, when he was 6 years old. Derek snuck into our bedroom one night around Christmas time and went to sleep. In the morning when he woke up he said, "Mommy I saw angels in the bedroom last night". We of course thought he was dreaming or something. So we started asking him questions about the angels. We asked him what they looked like and he said ,"mommy they in robes of white but didn't have wings like regular angels in the pictures do." So then we asked him if he knew who they were. Not expecting to hear he what said. He said,"oh yes mommy! I know exactly who they were." "It was my Grandma Beeks and my Grandpa Moore." That really caught us off guard, because Derek has never seen his Grandma Beeks, she died before he was born, and his Grandpa Moore had just past away. But Derek had never really seen him either as grandpa was really sick. So we asked him exactly what they looked like and he described them perfectly. Then we asked him if they talked to him and he said,"yes mommy, grandma Beeks talked to me and she said that I was going to die and they were going to come and carry me into the arms of JESUS and I wouldn't hurt anymore." After hearing that we frankly dropped the whole subject. We didn't want to hear anymore. The thought of losing our son was more than we could bear. We didn't talk much about it after that, until Nov. 5th of 2001. On November the 1st I had been praying for GOD to give me a song to write. I hadn't written anything in a long time and I love to write songs. Some words came into my head and I argued with GOD that I wasn't writing them down because I didn't like what they said. After about a half an hour of arguing with GOD about it, I heard Him say to me, Diane, you asked me for a song, I'm given you one, now write it down. I knew at that very moment if I didn't write it down I'd never write again. So I grabbed my little white "touched by an angel" journal and wrote down the words He gave me. I was so mad when I got done that I tossed my journal across the livingroom. Derek came out and asked me if he could watch a "touched by an angel" movie and so I said ok. The one he put in almost knocked me to the floor. It was the 100 episode and it was about a little boy named Petey, who was born with cystic fibrosis. Petey knew he was going to die and so he made a list of things he wanted to do before he died. One of the things on he list was to help his mom finish a song she had started when he was born. I just kept saying to myself, GOD I can't finish this song. What happens if I finish and Derek dies? I can't handle that Lord. Well I think GOD knew I couldn't finish it alone and He knew my heart. So 5 days later my husband came in from work and honey you got to hear this, but before I play this I have to tell you that I argued with GOD for an hour that I didn't like what this said and I wasn't going to write it. I started to write it down but I changed what it said and made it different. So as he played what he had written down, my mouth almost hit the floor. I said,"wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute." I said, "play that again" and grabbing my journal I told him to go into wait I had written there. It went together perfectly. I had been given the chorus to the song five days before GOD gave my husband the first verse. That night we sat down and started asking Derek questions about the angels again. I asked Derek, "what should the next verse say" and he looked at me and said, "Mommy it needs to say ,Daddy I don't want to die." I picked up the first paper my husband had started to write on and the line he marked out and changed said "Daddy I don't want to die".I told my husband I said," no matter what we have to write it." So that night we finished the song. And GOD has blessed us in many ways since we recorded this song. Derek is still with us, although he was hospitalized for a while in November and his lung functions are down right now. But he is still fighting the battle against this disease. But Derek loves the Lord with all his heart. He is a living and breathing testimony for JESUS CHRIST. You know we don't know why GOD gave Derek a vision of the angels and we are not saying that his grandparents are angels. I do believe that GOD sent His angels in a form that wouldn't scared Derek. Maybe GOD was preparing us for and Derek for something that will happen soon or maybe later, or maybe it was all for the writing of this song, in hopes of touching hearts and lives with it. We just can't say. We what we can say is that GOD knows why and that if you don't know JESUS as your Savior, you can know Him today. All you have to do is believe that JESUS died for your sins, and that He is able and willing to forgive you if you just ask. All you have to say is Lord I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I believe you died for my sins and I ask you now Lord to cleanse me from my sins, come into my heart and help me to be who You would have me to be Lord. I thank you for saving me, In JESUS Name AMEN! If you prayed that prayer or have any questions or comments, please let us know by emailing us at or The Collins Family 1063 North Jackson Street Andrews, Indiana 46702. For more information on Cystic Fibrosis, you can visit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation online at, or call information for the chapter in your area. Love and Prayers, The Collins Family

Our Pressrelease

Rocky Collins was born in Huntington, Indiana on February 25th, 1961 and has lived around Huntington County most of his life. Rocky took an interest in music at an early age, listening to his grandfather play various musical instruments. Around the age of 18, Rocky began playing the bass guitar and later went on to play the acostical guitar. He later met a wonderful young lady named Diana Moore. Diana was born and raised in Wabash, Indiana. Rocky and Diana dated for 5 years and on Christmas Day 1995, Rocky asked Diana to marry him. She has been a wonderful helpmate to their ministry. Diana recieved JESUS CHRIST as her personal Savior on January 27th 1997 while driving down the highway in a terrible snow storm, not knowing if she would make it home or not. Praise GOD! Not only did she make it home safe and sound but she was now a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rocky received JESUS CHRIST as his personal Savior on February 9th, of 1997, in a little church he had been attending. His life was transformed that very day and now through Rocky and Diana's music, they are telling the world of GOD's amazing love and forgiveness. They have two sons. Troy who is 10, sings in the choir at school and Derek who is 8, enjoys singing with mom and dad sometimes. At 6 months of age Derek was diagnosised with a life threathening illness called Cystic Fibrosis. Rocky and Diana have faced death with their son many times but by GOD's grace and mercy, He has spared Derek's life. They place their faith and trust in GOD and know that Derek is in His hands. Derek is the inspiration for their title song on their first CD called "Mommy I Saw Angels". GOD used their hands to pen this song, along with many others. Since the release of this song, GOD has been moving in their ministry like never before. They were blessed with the opportunity to open in concert for Laverne Tripp from TBN Network. They have also just come back from Nashville, Tennessee, where they did a live video and were interviewed by Don Frost, for the MUSIC CITY GOSPEL SHOWCASE, which will begin airing soon. After their interview with Mr. Frost, they were invited and will appearing next June of 2003 at Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where they will be aired live on national television. They are also in the process of working on their next CD, which will include more of the songs that GOD has used them to write. Rocky and Diana have also been doing some concerts in other churches. They just enjoy doing what GOD has called them to do. Their only desire is to see souls saved and that's what it is all about. They sing mainly southern gospel but also enjoy an occassional modern praise and worship or modern contemparory song. Whatever GOD places on their heart. They are very active and dedicated to their church, but most of all to their Savior, JESUS CHRIST. As they go out and sing GOD's word, they have determined within themselves never to a price on what they do. They do ask for a freewill offerings, but never set a price. Diana states, that first of all GOD saved her free of charge and setting prices on GOD's word can tend to cut out some of the smaller churches that just can't afford to pay to bring singers in. It's not about the money, it's all about JESUS. Face it we all need to hear GOD's word and feel our spirits lifted, how we can put a price on that? They trust in GOD to supply all their needs and GOD has never let them down. They are proof that miracles still happen, that GOD is still listening and that GOD can and will supply all their needs.

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