The Way to God Gospel Ministry (WAGGOM) International was founded on 14th September 1981 at 12noon. WAGGOM is a non- denominational ministry, which took its name from the book of John 14 Vs 6: " I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me."
Vision: The vision (aim) of (WAGGOM) is "reaching the unreached for Christ and helping the existing denominations." WAGGOM is presided over by Rev. Dr. Udo Ohaju , to whom God gave the vision. God's covenant with WAGGOM is centered on holiness and this reflects in WAGGOM'S motto: "And I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me" Jn. 12 Vs 32. God demands that WAGGOM should lift Him up through the life the members live and through the word they preach; then will He draw all men unto Himself. The headquarters of WAGGOM is at Aba , Abia State, Nigeria. WAGGOM is made up of nine departments and six auxiliary arms: Departments ? The Education Department : this has to do with training people at various levels. This department has the following arms: A The WAGGOM Christian University college{WACUC}: where ministers from various denominations are trained. B The WAGGOM Academy(WAAC} : the nursery and primary arm of the ministry. C The WAGGOM Model Seminary{WAMS}: the secondary arm of WAGGOM. ? Prayer Department: this is the powerhouse of the ministry, which is divided into nine arms. A The Prayer Fellowship: this arm primarily teaches people how to pray. B The WAGGOM Watchmen: this arm is made up of a few persons who strictly keep watch over the affairs of WAGGOM through prayers. C The Frontier Force : a group of Christians who are sent to lands to till the ground through prayers before an open-air crusade. D The Prayer Cells: forms prayer cells in places where WAGGOM exists to enable people to come together and pray. E The Land Slide Prayer Force : a 24 hours chain prayers carefully programmed in such a way that people are praying every time. F The Editorial Wing : the informative arm of prayer department. G Prayer Outreach : reaches people in their homes, churches and offices for prayers. H Hot Line Prayer Communication : a group of prayer counselors who are on line 24hours to pray with and for people. I WAGGOM City Watchmen : a set of people who watch over the cities and their affairs . ? The Missions And Helps Department: this department takes the Gospel to various places. It is divided into five auxiliary arms A The Orphanage: takes good care of orphans in such a way that they will not know the difference between themselves and those who have parents. B The Mission Hospital: spiritually and medically qualified to handle health cases. C Civic Centre: a resort where people come to pray and rest. D Model Farm: a general farm that will produce animals, foodstuff and fruits. E Rehabilitation Centre: this arm will work in two ways : 1 The Mental Resort: takes care of people who are mentally abnormal. 2 Skill Acquisition Centre: people are trained here to acquire various skills. WAGGOM has two mission fields situated at: A Mgbede, Onelga, Egbema Local Government Area, River State. B. Chokota Igbo Etche Local Government Area, River State. ? Music Department: a group of players and singers who minister in songs. This department is made up of the WAGGOM triumphant Band and the WAGGOM Voices. ? Child Evangelism Department: reaches out to children in their own language and to bring them up in the fear of the Lord. ? Counseling Department: has a group of people who give Godly counsel. ? Literature Department: the informative arm of WAGGOM, which also sees to the publication of magazines, newsletters, books, etc. ? Mass Media 1: this is the radio arm of WAGGOM. ? Mass Media 2: the television arm of WAGGOM. The auxiliary arms of WAGGOM are as follows: A The WAGGOM Brothers' Fellowship(WABOF}: the men's wing of the ministry. B The WAGGOM Women: this is the women's wing of WAGGOM. C The WAGGOM End Time Harvesters(WETH): the youth arm of the ministry where youths are trained to reach out to fellow youths for the Lord. D The WAGGOM Royal Daughters(WARD): the single Ladies' forum of the ministry. E The WAGGOM Theatre Outreach: a group of Christians who minister through drama. WAGGOM runs a non-denominational fellowship, which holds twice every week. Other activities of WAGGOM include: ? Monthly praying and fasting meeting which holds once a month. ? An all night meeting tagged Power Night, which comes up once every month. ? An international convention that comes up annually It should be noted that WAGGOM is not a church in the denominational sense of it. The President is a Bible Teacher, Conference speaker, (Locally and Internationally), a singer, and an author of books like : DEALING WITH FORCES OF DARKNESS; WHAT THE CHURCH NEEDS;FACTS ABOUT CHRISTIANITY; UNDERSTANDING THE PROPHETIC AND APOSTOLIC ERA E.T.C
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