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Shine Jesus Ministries

B.P 2917, • Bujumbura, Bujumbura B.P 2917 • Burundi • 09 257 22 1959/see/charmin/CM02729

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Philippians 2:5: "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ" The history of Central Africa is badly known, because it is made of horrible events, due to wars, genocide, autoritarian regimes, hatred, proverty,... Our Lord, Jesus Christ called us to restore Christ's attitude of love, peace, hope, power, compassion, reconciliation and healing in that region of the world. This will be done through: 1. Children's ministry, 2. Christian community development, 3. Reconcilaition-peace: be Christ's light to your community, 4. Leadership building. ACTIVITIES We have already some vital projects where you can make a big impact, a big difference, through which, together, we can change an entire nation. 1. Bridge the gap initiative (PHASE 1): It is a peace-making process programm aiming at decision-making group (inside and outside Burundi). We would like to see them making right decisions, choosing the road of peaceful conflict solving instead of war. 2. Bridge the gap initiative (PHASE 2): It is a peace-keeping process programm aiming at the grassroots. We want to sustain, keep and nurture the gained peace, through a programm of Community Development. We would like to introduce and establish RPD teams (This means Reconciliation-Peace-Development teams) in each strategic zone of the capital city of Bujumbura. These RPD teams will deal with convincing the population to learn and apply the concept of peaceful conflict solving, forgiveness, mutual acceptance, association, projects in connection with job creation, proverty alleviation and income generating. 3. Kids for Reconciliation-Peace-Development: It is a Peace Education programm aiming at formal and non-formal primary schools. We will teach these vital values to those children, because they are today's partners in making peace and tomorrow leaders. This is great opportunity for you to invest in Heaven, in changing individuals and the entire nation. You can make a big impact, make a big difference by: 1. sending a donation, a gift; 2. becoming a partner or bringing your family, relatives, friends, church to become partner; 3. becoming our representative wherever you are; 4. linking our town/city/church with our town/city/church; 5. collecting and sending us relief material (clothes, office equipment, ...) 6. sponsoring one or more of our projects; 7. fundraising for this ministry. 8. organizing a visit or outreach as individual or as a team, or as a team from a church/organization. THANKS AND GOD BLESS.


Through seminars/workshops we will inspire, mobilize, provoke, enthuse the local church, God's people and the community to have Christ's attitude (revival); Through training, discipleship and strategic partnerships, we will equip, enable people so that they can guided by CChrist's attitude and be released in God's ministry. We will bring those disciples to multiply themselves through the multiplication principle; Through changed life (living out Christ's attitude), revival will take place in our individual lives, in our churches and in our communities. Through releasing children and God's people in ministry, we will enable them to exercise their gifts, edify the Body of Christ and partake in expending God's Kingdom.

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