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True Fellowship Ministries

102 Orient Ave., • Jersey City, NJ 07305 • United States • 201-332-1253/see/charmin/CM02587

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Foundation Of Faith

We believe that in the Father who is God himself, Creator of the universe. (Gen 1:1;John 1:1) We belive in the Holy Spirit who is God indwelling, empowering and regenerating the believer. This Holy Spirit who is called the comforter. (John14:17, 14:26) We believe that the Bible is the true and infalliable word of God (II Timothy 3:16,17) We believe that believers should be baptized by immersio, it is through baptism that we are identified with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. (Romans 6:3-6; Colossians 2:11-14; Acts 2:38) We believe in the three steps that lead to salvation: Repentance, Water Baptism, & the Baptism - infilling of the Holy Spirit -(Acts 2:38) We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the signs of speaking in tongues as the spirit of God give the utterance. (Acts 2:4) We believe that the Holy Spirit places you in the Church of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the power of God to comfort us, and help us to live. We believe that the Holy Spirit is our teacher. We believe that the Holy Spirit will give us the power and ability to be raptured when Jesus comes.

Our Mission from Min. C. Wright, Jr.

To reach those who feel that they do not have a second chance for life. No matter what mistakes or things done intentionally, God is still just to forgive. Being one who live life recklessly God could have cut my life short, but thank God for the grace given. He had a purpose in and for my life, once I began to love myself and find the reason for life . We all have a self worth that has been planted within us, it is time to reach deep within and tap in to the realness of life and the true blessing of God. Life can be much sweeter once you come into the presence of God with an open heart, a made up mind, and a press to let your life turn around for the good. It is time to reach into the things that eyes have not seen, neither have your ears heard, or has entered into your hearts, the things God has prepared for one as special as you. 1. What you need God can and will supply: 2. A greater relationship with him. 3. Your children to come home 4. Your husband or wife to come home to be that family you desire. 5. Healing for what the doctors say it's too late for 6. Healing for the hurt nad broken heart 7. A change for your life 8. The generational curse of your family to be removed 9. Your financial uprising and recovery 10. what every you need God can and will supply according to his will for your life

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