We are a church based christian ministry.
Our Mission Scripture is taken from the book of Revelations 22& 16
"I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to these things in the churches. I (Jesus) AM the root and offspring of David!!! I AM THE BRIGHT & MORNING STAR!!"
We encourage poor, and destitute pastors, churches, schools, ministries by drawing alongside, preaching, teaching, encouraging. We also bring food, clothing, building materials, worship and teaching materials and administrataive organization to the above.
We encourage the local pastor, director by drawing alongside physically present, to help encourage through preaching, teaching, administrative and physical aid.
We bring encouragement, food, clothing, building materials, worship and teaching materials, and excitement for local evangelization to our partners churches.
We are seeking resources, gifts of use, and donations of cars, computers, food, clothing, building materials, cash and the use of trucks, semi trailers, buses, motorhomes & RV's for our teams to
work with our partners throughout the USA and India.
Information Resources & referrals please.
Contact us for information or newsletter
Pastor Charile Bee
Bright Morning Star Evangelistic Assn.
C/O Miss Shirley Oakley, U.S. Secty
3412 S. Ricardson Ave #325
Ceres, CA 95261 USA
Tel: 615-676-5384 Fax: 928-438-8402
email: morningstar2216@juno.com
or: bmseaministries@yahoo.com
You may also contact our USA Missions Representative: ,
Miss Shirley Oakley, as listed above. Thanks for your interest
You may give financially through paypal
by sending an email from your paypal account to:
bmseaministries@yahoo.com We ARE NOT a 501C3.
Donations are not deductible. Thank you for your generous and pure giving unto the lord.
To bring a deep personal living relationship with a living Lord Jesus Christ the only Son of our Heavenly Father, the Eternal, One True, God to poor, destitute, off the beaten path, backroads, backwoods, forgotten Churches, Pastors, Christian Schools, Fellowships & Ministries of the USA & various spots around the globe with Our Fellow Missionaries Supply Arm IHLMI.
To Encorage these and to go where most others will not go. To Encorage in organizational and administrataive helps, to take Food, Clothing, Building Materials, Worship Materials, Bibles, Gifts and partnership so as to help poor churches and ministries move from "Hope" based living to "Faith" based living and encourage them to know and live with the Lord alive in their lives!
We minister, preach, teach, evangelize, encourage, and provide organizational and administrative helps.
We also put together people, churches, organizations who wish to draw alongside in some special way through our ministry Pastor's list.
This allows YOU to fulfill a personal need of a poor pastor or his/her family like sending them a new dress, or a piece of fine china, or some other meaningful personal item which will warm their hearts and allow the door to open for you to encourage them in prayer and personally.
We act as a clearing house for older people to write and pray for others and help them exchange notes of encouragement and greeting with poor pastors, ministry leaders, and school teachers or administrators.
We operate a division which takes relief supplies to those we serve.
For needs: Please see the url:
or contact us at the.bright.morning.star@juno.com
Jesus said: "That which you do to the least of my bretheren, you also do to me". Will you help us, help these?
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