His Grace, Presbyterian Ministry adopted the Westminster Standards in its organization on March 11, 1997. This ministry reaffirms its belief in the basic historic Christianity.
His Grace, Presbyterian Ministry believes that the reformed doctrine is historic Christianity, in its emphasis upon the sovereighty of God and the trustworthiness of the Bible. We are a confessional ministry.
It was the compromise of these truths that has led this ministry to accept the reformed doctrine. As liberalism, and secular belief has moved into the seminaries, and out into the churches of today, it has become fashionable to question and to distort the word of God and the fundamental tenets of Christianity. The inspiration of the Bible, virgin birth, deity of Christ, His works, His crusifiction, and His resurrection from the dead have been called into question. The churches have ordained ministers who are questionable before God. His Grace, Ministry believes God has raised up this ministry to stand faithful to historic Christian faith, and, further, to be a standard bearer to the word of our God.
His Grace Presbyterian Ministry stands on the basic belief: "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ." Romans 8:1.
His Grace Bible Presbyterian Ministry is a Ministry dedicated to those Christians that are Hospitalized, Home Bound, In Nursing Facilities or Hospice. These are the "FORGOTTEN CHRISTIANS" This ministry is devoting time to these children of God, as it is the responsibility of all to do. In James 5:13-16 "Is anyone of you in trouble? He should pray. Is any one happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is anyone sick? He should be able to call on the Elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord". His Grace Bible Presbyterian Ministry provides all Pastoral services to the those who are in need in the Wabash Valley. The following are availble: 1. Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, & the Lord's Supper 2. Prayer of Intercession 3. Biblical Lessons 4. Taped Messages 5. Christian Counseling If you would like more information please contact us at http://www.hgpm@ticz.com Christ's and Your Servant, Rev. Bob Craig
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