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World Prayer Fellowship

c/o Roger E. Doriot, Box 239 • Sentani 99352, Irian Jaya • Indonesia • 001-62-967-592597/see/charmin/CM00492

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World Prayer Fellowship

This is a fellowship of people who are interested in seeing the Gospel spread to the ends of the earth, and seeing Biblical indigenous churches established in every people group. Various types of prayer calendars and other data for prayer will be provided to enable prayer warriors to pray specifically and systematically for many vital prayer concerns.

There are no dues, commitments, or special requirements. It is open to be used as the Lord leads any individual. We trust many will make a commitment to the Lord, however, to faithfully and fervently pray for many of these crucial needs until the Lord returns!

Check these web pages also with more interesting information at:

Doriot family ministry Irian Jaya jungle tribal ministries, etc.

Main prayer site More prayer calendars, great links!


Prayer calendars

Daily Requests For All Nations

Day of month Request

01 Spiritual growth, testimony, and faithfulness of believers

02 Wisdom for and conversion of leaders in governments

03 Pastors, evangelists, and other Christian leaders

04 Freedom to worship and evangelize

05 Strength and help for persecuted believers

06 Translation workers, translation work, and availability of

the Scriptures

07 Literacy and motivation to read the Scriptures

08 Understanding of and obedience to God's Word

09 Medical needs and ministries by medical missionaries

10 Economic development that will aid churches

11 Literature ministries, and Bible correspondence courses

12 Unity of true believers in the Spirit, and proper demonstation

to others

13 Salvation and spiritual growth of international students

14 Believers' burden for the lost, boldness, and zealousness

15 Purity of doctrine, discernment of error and Satan's wiles

16 Planning and implementation of unreached peoples strategy,

to reach every people group in the world by the year 2000!

17 Spiritual and physical health of missionaries, provision of

all needs

18 Believers' faithfulness and generosity in giving and praying

19 Calling, accepting of the call, and sending of more national

and foreign workers

20 Revival among cold, luke-warm, and nominal Christians

21 Ministries by radio, TV, e-mail and internet, tapes, records,

and books

22 Student work, camping and retreat ministries

23 Tent-making missionaries and their ministries

24 Safety, efficiency, and spiritual effectiveness of missionary


25 Short-term workers'ministries and guidance for the future

26 Protection from danger for Christian workers, wisdom in hard


27 Guidance of and spiritual effectiveness of Christian relief


28 The Holy Spirit's opening of hearts to the Gospel

29 Christian and general education, leadership and Bible training

30 Strengthening and testimony of Christian families

31 God's working in present world crises

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always

abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your

labour is not in vain in the Lord." (I Cor. 15:58)

Government "Pray ... for kings, and for all who are in authority."

(I Tim.2:1-2)

Day Person(s) to pray for

01 President

02 Vice President

03 Governor of your state

04 U.S. senators of your state

05 U.S. rep. of your state

06 Supreme court

07 Your state senators

08 Your state reps

09 County, township officials

10 City officials

11 Policemen

12 Presidental advisors

13 All governors

14 Christians in office

15 Christians thinking of politics

16 Christians God wants in politics

17 All U.S. senators

18 All U.S. reps

19 State Supreme courts

20 Other state senators

21 Other state reps

22 Other county, township officials

23 Mayors and city officials

24 Prison officials

25 President's cabinet

26 All judges

27 All lawyers

28 Families of leaders

29 IBLP work and others' work with government people

30 David Barton and similar people

31 Responsible involvement by Christians

Prayer requests for restricted access/sensitive areas

(areas where news of what is happening, if spread openly,

can cause danger, hardships, or lost opportunities)

Day of month - Prayer request for that day

01 Special needs today that cannot be shared; God's working even

where no one else knows the need

02 Maintenance of necessary secrecy in working in these areas;

provision of safe places/facilities for believers to meet for worship,

Bible study, & training

03 Encouragement, strength for imprisoned, persecuted believers;

provision for needs of families of imprisoned believers; release from

imprisonment as God wills

04 Blinding of eyes of government officials, censors, others, when

necessary to protect believers and Christian workers

05 Dissatisfaction with false religious traditions; taking away of

spiritual blindness, bringing responsiveness; willingness to change

belief systems

06 Wisdom on dissemination of information, prayer requests;

protection from unwise distribution of info by well-meaning persons;

faithful, efficient, and wide-spread dissemination of info that

can and should be shared

07 Emotional needs of Christian workers, dealing with loneliness,

family separations, stress from living in sensitive and dangerous


08 Changing of attitudes of government, opposing religious leaders,

et al; opening eyes to truth among those in opposition; conviction

brought on persecutors and prosecutors; political

stability in these areas; good interpersonal relationships with

local officials as much as possible

09 Training materials and training in Bible, theology, and leadership

be available and accessible for pastors and church

leaders in these areas

10 Financial needs for ministries; indigenization - national

churches and ministries becoming self-supporting as soon as

possible and advisable

11 The breaking down of religious "curtains" (as God broke down the

"iron curtain"); breaking of the spiritual bondage, deliverance

from blindness and misunderstandings - for areas, people groups,

and individuals; visitations from God - dreams, visions, or

whatever - to key religious leaders and other unbelievers, as God


12 Faithfulness in prayer even without specific details of needs and

victories, by those who are supporting those in sensitive

areas; many more intercessors to enter the battle to take back

territory from Satan for the Lord God; the Holy Spirit's directing

and burdening of hearts to pray for particular persons, places,

situations in time of need

13 Calling of more creative cross-cultural workers for these

difficult areas; heeding of the call by those called - victory over

fear, doubt, attraction of materialism, etc.

14 Wisdom to know most effective approaches; revelation to see the

specific opportunities and methods that will be effective in

pulling down the strongholds that support the core false belief


15 Penetration with the Gospel - light to replace darkness - by

radio, TV, tapes, videos, e-mail, Internet, and every possible

means; wise use of satellites and newest technology to such areas

16 Raising up of national leaders, pastors, evangelists - many more

workers soon for the most needy areas, even though dangerous;

spiritual and moral integrity of national church and ministry


17 Faith, boldness, and courage, tempered with wisdom and tact, for

both national believers and Christian workers

18 True conversions of multitudes, raising up of great numbers of

courageous believers from every sensitive area

19 Implementation of constitutional guarantees for freedom of

religion; exposure of, and various pressures brought to bear on,

those restricting religion illegally and unfairly

20 Establishment of many strong local churches; overcoming of

suspicion, distrust among national believers; wise, efficient

assistance to national believers, leaders, and organizations

21 Careful and strategic distribution and use of Scripture, and

other Christian literature; overcoming of fear and distrust of

Christian literature; strong growing desire by many to know the

truth; truth to be revealed by the Holy Spirit as Scripture and

other Christian materials are received

22 Translation of Scripture soon for language groups without it;

protection for translation teams; ability to put key Scriptural

concepts into accurate and understandable terms (both for

translators and for those evangelizing and teaching)

23 Harmonious relationships, spiritual unity, and good cooperation -

1) among ex-pats, especially in multi-cultural co-worker

situations, 2) among national believers, and 3) between ex-

pats/missions and national believers, leaders, and organizations;

avoidance or overcoming of misunderstandings

24 Language learning and understanding of host cultures; development

of fluency in speaking, and ability to communicate well

25 Faithfulness in personal spiritual disciplines by Christian

workers; maintaining quality time and vital personal relationship

with the Lord; Biblical Spirit-directed attitudes and actions

26 Protection for family units of missionary families; children's

needs met for education and nurture; special needs of single


27 Victory over fear and discouragement, and recognition of Satan's

lies and deceptions; eyes to see what God is doing, to be

encouraged; strength and perseverance in the daily spiritual

battles that come

28 Ineffectiveness, defeat, or dissolution of anti-Christian groups,

organizations, and propaganda; protection from

"traitors," informers against Christian workers and national believers

29 Spiritual growth of "secret believers," courage and wisdom to

know what and when to speak, when not to speak, and when to make open

confessions of faith

30 Physical, medical, health needs of Christian workers and families

31 Rest and encouragement for continuing the task while on furlough;

safety in travel, at home, on the field, and in between

Prayer calendar for Mother Tongue Translation

01 Praise the Lord for the many national translators worldwide

02 Pray for MTT in every language group without the Scriptures

03 Pray for a burden to do translation on someone in every language group

04 Pray for the Lord to raise up those who can find and encourage potential MTT's

05 Pray for sufficient translation consultants t

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