If you are wondering what God and the Bible has to do with you IT HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOU!......God sent his only son Jesus to die and raise from the dead three days later for your and my sins! God loves you very much....and He wants you to live in heaven with him forever! All you have to do is say this prayer: DEAR GOD, I KNOW I AM A SINNER. PLEASE FORGIVE ME OF MY SINS. THANKYOU FOR SENDING YOUR SON JESUS TO DIE ON THE CROSS TO PAY FOR MY SINS. PLEASE COME LIVE IN MY HEART AND BE MY PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOR. I PRAY THESE THINGS IN JESUS NAME, AMEN Thats all,now your a child of God! Whe you pray this prayer all the angles in heaven rejoice! And your name will be written in the Lambs Book of Life, and when you go to heaven you will live with the Lord forever in your own mansion that Jesus went to prepare for all those who belive in Him!
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