Prince of Peace exists to bring the rich sacramental and liturgical heritage of the early Church, the power of Pentecost and the infallible truth of Scripture together in one expression of Christ's Church for this generation. Prince of Peace seeks to be a home for all Christians who seek a vital, powerful, energetic, yet stable church in which to grow up in love with one another and in the knowledge and love of God. Our mission is: To Heal the Body of Christ--by every God-given means! God has provided the Sacraments and Gifts for the healing, edification and upbuilding of His Body. He has empowered us with His Holy Spirit, and given us the authority to preach, teach, heal holistically/reconcile, do battle (spiritual warfare) invoking St. Michael and the heavenly hosts to act in the heavenlies to bind or loose that which will bless the saints of God in the accomplishment of our mission here in the earth. He has given us gifts for the edification and upbuilding of His resurrected Body--the Church. We seek to co-labor together with the other members of His Body until His Body is becomes one and therefore is made whole/complete.
We believe that God is doing something special in our day. In churches across our nation, and around the world, God is once again removing barriers and bringing together the three streams of the Church: Sacramental, Evangelical and Charismatic, into one mighty river--as it was in the beginning (30 AD), it IS NOW and evermore shall be, Amen! He is reweaving three diverse strands into one strong cord. "A cord of three strands is not easily broken.." Eccl 4:12 In these words Solomon speaks of the strength that can be found in a diversity in unity. Althought the Church has not always reflected perfectly in its life together the strength of diversity in unity, today Jesus is rebraiding these three strands into one strong cord. Sacramental/Liturgical: From the beginning of the Church, many men and women have served the "one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church." From the richness of this heritage we are witnessing a recovery of the beauty of the ancient liturgies, signs and symbols, the sacramental life, and the weekly celebration of Holy Communion. From the earliest days of the Church, whenever Christians gathered for worship, they followed the Liturgy (Acts 13:1-4). The purpose for the Liturgy was to ensure that God remained the center of worship and that the Church became increasingly devoted to the apostolic and Biblical faith (Acts 4:1-4). Out of our desire to experience the fullness of Biblical worship, we embrace the liturgies of historic Christianity. Evangelical: We believe the Holy Scriptures to be the inspired infallible Word of God, containing all things necessary to salvation and godly living. We are committed to the faithful reading, study, teaching and preaching of the Bible--the well-spring of spiritual maturity. We embrace the evangelical distinctives that underscore the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a holy life, evangelism and missions. Charismatic: From the time of the apostles, Christians have always been endowed with power beyond themselves...from the Holy Spirit Himself. This has been rediscovered in our day through the Pentecostal movements. One distinguishing mark of Prince of Peace is our openness to the works of the Holy Spirit. We not only allow, but anticipate His presence and working through spiritual gifts--both in our corporate worship and our daily lives. We believe that it is through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to worship God, serve one another and reach out to people around us sincerely. The Convergence Movement and convergence worship is truly "nothing new under the sun," as it truly is "as it was in the beginning--is NOW and evermore shall be..." The early church, pre-Constantine (33-300 AD) was very much Sacramental/Liturgic (continuing in the Jewish tradition in the pattern/design God-gave 3,000 years before), it followed rites and ritual (liturgy) with creeds, such as "Maranatha: Come, Lord Jesus!" They ministered Sacramentally, and the Eucharist (Great Thanksgiving) was central to their worship. They believed in Jesus' real presence in the sharing of His Body and Blood--as visible signs and means of grace. They were also Evangelical, intentionally reaching out--making disciples, preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God's Word, so they could observe all that Jesus commanded. And the early Church was empowered by the Holy Spirit to do "these and greater things" than they'd observed Jesus do. Prophetic utterance was very much a part of early Church worship, hence, they were a prophetic Church--speaking the truth in love. In His High Priestly prayer recorded in John 17, Jesus three times prayed that we (who are the many members of His Body) would be one. As it is by our love for one another that the world will know we are His Body. Jesus was authenticated as the Christ with signs and wonders, and we are authenticated as members of His Body by love which transforms and reconciles.
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