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The Church of Jesus Christ

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God's Divine Purpose

You and I are wonderfully created in the image of God Almighty. We are born with a divine purpose here within this present sphere of life. Daily God desires the very best lifestyle for each of His children. 

That's why our life here within this present sphere of life matters so much to God the Creator. You see, God, so loved the world He gave His very best gift. His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, upon a cross; in order, that you and I might have everlasting life. 

Yes, God, has a purpose for each of our life's here within this present sphere of life. Want you reach out to Him today an invite Him into your life. Just ask, Jesus Christ, right now by repeating this short prayer. 

Lord Jesus, come into my life an make things new within my heart. I repent of my rebellion against you an ask your forgiveness. I turn my back on the world and receive you as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. Amen! 

Dear friend, let me be the first to welcome you into the family of God. Now, get involved in a Bible believing Church of God an grow in your new relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Starting Over Right

In today's dark world system many are looking for a way out of their physical and emotional pain. But, they're finding no way of relief in sight. They cannot find relief in drugs, sex, partying, or any other thing within this present life. 

But, there's good news for all who're willing to truly receive it. Yes, I said, there's good new!! In fact, you can Start Over Right. My friend, God, allows each of us to go through something to get each of us too something. 

You may be asking yourself. What is that something? Well, it's a personal life saving relationship with Himself. After all, God is for you an not against you my dear friend. He desires good things for you here within this present sphere of life. God wants to influence every area of your life with His divine presence. You can start right now by simply receiving His wonderful invitation to receive His only begotten Son as your personal Lord and Savior. 

If you feel the pull of the Spirit of God upon your heart. Please feel free to email me so I can walk you through a simple prayer. Here the email address: God bless.

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