Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre, is a 30-year-old, registered, tax-exempted, accountability-oriented and a trustworthy National NGO. Ours is a compassion ministry to the extremely poor villagers, less privileged, widowed, the sick and very old people. We serve all people in need irrespective of one's colour, creed and community attachments. We are located in Elathagiri, village of Krishnagiri District of Tamilnadu state, in South India. We are a very small organization, totally dependent upon our Heavenly Father and His promises given to us in the word. No churches or Organizations support us financially or otherwise. We do not have the skilled manpower or modern technology, to convince and attract donors. The Living God Raises individuals who come across our web-pages occasionally support us. I challenge you to pray that the Living God may raise a handful of prayer warriors, friends and partners, who will connect with our call and vision that we all may collectively fulfil the great commission. KIndly Contact the Director if you are led by the Holy Spirit. Visit our website and you will get more details.
The primary mission mandate of Bethel Society is to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the unreached, and the least responded village people, communities and people groups and plant churches, where there are no churches. This again is an indigenous effort. With all the modern technological innovations, it is still important that a human personality speaks through the "Message of Heaven" under the guidance and fullness of the Holy Spirit. The preacher had to lay hands on the sick, and pray, that individual has to see visions and dreams, and that person must prophesy. We travail with pains of a mother delivering a baby --call it as birth pang- over the lost millions over 120 billion.
We have planted new churches in the most difficult places where many would want to go and live. We train and support national evangelists and pastors and support them. We distribute free Bibles to new believers, we conduct summer camps for children and youth and reach nearly 2500 of them, We have prayer ministries, and we have church revival. and many more. How many of us will take up this missionary challenge and come forward to pray for our Indian Mission? How many of us are ready to honour God's work with our substance? And if you are one of the believing ones, then you are most welcome to join with us in fulfilling our high call.
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