Association for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, a Christian civil society organization (CSO); exists to reduce the incidence and prevalence of the disease alcoholism and drug dependence in Kenya, East Africa.
1. To network, advocate, lobby and creat awareness and educate people about the ill-effects of alcoholism and drug dependence on the individuals, the family and the society at large.
2. To evolve regional and culture-specific models for the prevention of alcoholism and substance abuse and the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts.
3. To provide the whole range of community-baesd services for the identification, motivation, counseling, de-addiction, after-care and rehabilitation of addicts.
4. To promote collective initiatives and self-help endeavours among individuals and groups vulnerable to addiction or found at risk.
5. To eastablish appropriate linkage between NACADA interventions and voluntary efforts in the field of alcoholism and substance prevention.
6. To increase community participation and public cooperation in the reduction of demand for illicit drinks and dependenve-producing substances.
7.To facilitate, conduct, promote and coordinate research, documentation and dissemination of findings on data on alcohol and drug abuse.
8. To provide treatment and rehabilitation initiatives which include community outreach, residential and non-residential programmes and to put up rehabilitation centres.
9. To provide specific life skills for the youth and children.
10. To collaborate with County governments in developing and implementing policies, laws, plans of action on control of drug abuse and alcoholism.
In our earnest quest to reduce the incidence and prevalence of the disease alcoholism and drug dependence, Association for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (APADDKenya) call upon individuals, like-minded organizations and foundations, Christian organizations and philanthropists to partner with us and to support us materially, morally and financially to make changes inthe livelihoods of addicted members of our society, children of addicts and people at risk.
Mr. Frederick Ngesso,
Executive Chairman,
Tel: +254 722 536062, +254 733 882862
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