Welcome to Voice of Truth Bible Institute. Voice of Truth Bible Institute is designed to teach men and women the Word of God, to train those who have been called into the ministry, and to assist those who are already in the ministry. We realize that not everyone is called to the ministry to preach, but would just like to learn more about the Word of God, and how to apply the Word of God to their daily lives. We offer that opportunity for those who just simply want to learn more about the Bible and the doctrines of the Bible. We uphold that the Bible is the Inspired, Infallible, and Inerrant (Without Error in the Original Autographs) Word of God (Prov.30:5; 2 Tim.3:16; 2 Pet.1:20-21). Voice of Truth Bible Institute is overseen by our Church, Voice of Truth Ministries. To all prospective students, our goal here at Voice of Truth Bible Institute is to provide you with a sound theological education, so that you will be fully equipped to labor in God's Vineyard. We will assist you in any way that we can to ensure that your study with us will be a rewarding experience. We look forward to serving you.
In Christ Service,
Dr. Ray A. Mason, Chancellor, Voice of Truth Bible Institute
Voice of Truth Bible Institute was founded by Pastor Dr. Ray A. Mason in order to serve the needs of those who are not able to pursue a traditional Seminary degree, but still have a desire to learn as much as possible in their pursuit of Biblical knowledge. Our school is a Christian school, and as such, WE TEACH NO SECULAR COURSES. Our school is designed to provide specialized Religious training to men and women with a basic College and Seminary level knowledge of theology. Our program is a 15 month program, and at the completion of the program, graduates will receive a Diploma in Theological Studies, and an Associate of Theology in Biblical Subjects. Our program is a 60 credit hour program. We ARE NOT regionally or nationally accredited, but we are accredited by the World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions (WWAC). The WWAC is a Christian organization designed to accredit Christian Bible Schools and Seminaries. The WWAC IS NOT affiliated with ANY Governmental Agencies, therefore they ARE NOT regionally recognised. The cost of our program is $50 Dollars per program. Also, there is a $25 dollar non-refundable registration fee, so, the total for each program is $75 dollars. The only other financial obligation of the students is to purchase any required textbooks that's needed for the class. The primary textbook is the Bible. Other textbooks will be determined by the Instructor of the course. We offer so much for so little. Don't let the low cost fool you. You will receive a top notch education at a low cost, because we believe that a theological education should be affordable and sound. Our goal is to provide students with the finest Biblical education at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, we have deliberately priced our course very low, because we believe that we can do more good for more people this way. That's what we offer here at Voice of Truth Bible Institute. The nature of our program IS NOT to prepare you for secular employment, but is SOLELY designed to prepare you for Religious/Ministry vocations within the Body of Christ (The Church). THE DEGREE IS STRICTLY A RELIGIOUS DEGREE. There is NO prior educational requirements to enroll in our Bible Institute. The only requirement is a desire to study and learn the Word of God (The Bible) and the ability to think. Voice of Truth Bible Institute is open to ALL individuals regardless of: Race, Denominational Background, Gender, Ethnic Origin, Nationality, Cultural Profile, Class or Economic Status. We teach "ONLY" Christian courses and Christian beliefs as stated in the HOLY BIBLE. We use the King James Version and the New King James Version of the Bible. To all prospective students, we hope that you will consider our school for your religious training. Our training consists of 10 courses in the doctrines of Systematic Theology, and 3 courses in Practical Theology (1) Hermeneutics (Interpretation), (2) Basic New Testament Greek Word Study, and (3)Homiletics (Preaching). We have added 6 more courses to our curriculum. For more information, you may request our free Catalog by writing to: Voice of Truth Bible Institute, P.O. Box 280374, Nashville, TN 37228, or you can call (931) 378-2625, or E-mail us @ masonr6281@yahoo.com. Also use this same contact information to request an application and registration form. Our on-site classes are on Thursday nights from 6:30pm till 8:30pm. Our school location is 1209 Brick Church Pike, Nashville, TN 37207. You can also take our courses through correspondence by mail. At the completion of the program, we will have our graduation ceremony in cap and gowns. Upon the completion of our program, you will receive a Diploma in Theological Studies and a RELIGIOUS Associate of Theology in Biblical Subjects or a RELIGIOUS Bachelor of Theology in Biblical Studies. Our degree is overseen by the World-Wide Accreditation Commission Of Christian Educational Institutions (WWAC) and under the Affiliation Umbrella of The Spirit of Truth Institute in Richmond Virginia, which is a registered RELIGIOUS EXEMPT school in the State of Virginia. Our Chancellor, Dr. Ray A. Mason, has been appointed as a Dean/Field Represenitive for The Spirit of Truth Institute by it's Chancellor, Dr. Paul Richardson. We hope that our School interest you, and that you will consider us for your theological training. We look forward to serving you.
In Christ Service,
The Staff of Voice of Truth Bible Institute.
(1) Bibliology (Doctrine of The Bible)
(2) Theology (Doctrine of God)
(3) Christology (Doctrine of Christ)
(4) Pneumatology (Doctrine of The Holy Spirit)
(5) Anthropology (Doctrine of Man)
(6) Hamartiology (Doctrine of Sin)
(7) Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation)
(8) Ecclesiology (Doctrine of The Church)
(9) Angelology (Doctrine of Angels)
(10) Eschatology (Doctrine of Last Things)
(11) Hermeneutics (The Art & Science of Biblical Interpretation)
(12)Introduction To Basic New Testament Greek Word Study (Using Greek Word Study Tools)
(13) Homiletics (The Art & Science of Preaching)
*SPECIAL NOTE: The courses above are the courses for the RELIGIOUS Associate of Theology in Biblical Subjects Degree Program.
(14). Apologetics (A Defense of the Christian Faith)
(15). Textual Criticism (How We Got the Bible)
(16). New Testament Survey (A Survey of the 27 N.T. Books)
(17). Church History (A Study of Church History through the Centuries)
(18). Biblical Predestination (A Biblical Examination of this important doctrine)
(19). What Is Reformed Theology (A look at the 5 Points of Reformed Theology)
**SPECIAL NOTE: The courses above are the courses for our RELIGIOUS Bachelor of Theology in Biblical Studies Degree Program.
**SPECIAL NOTE: For complete course description, request our FREE CATALOG. We will gladly Postal Mail you a FREE copy or we can E-Mail you a FREE COPY of our School catalog. For an E-Mail copy, send your request to: masonr6281@yahoo.com. For a regular Postal Mail copy, call us at (931) 378-2625, or write to: Voice of Truth Bible Institute: P.O. Box 280374, Nashville, TN 37228.
Voice of Truth Bible Institute is a Bible believing Institution which accepts the following declarations as being taught in the Holy Scriptures:
(1). The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture.
(2). The belief in One God, subsisting in Three Persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
(3). The Creation of man in God's Image.
(4). The fall of man, which resulted in the TOTAL DEPRAVITY of ALL MANKIND.
(5). The will of man is in bondage to sin due to the fall of Adam, and is therefore NOT FREE to choose Christ.
(7). The Deity of Jesus Christ, The Virgin Birth, His Incarnation, His sacrificial atoning death for His elect, and His bodily resurrection.
(9). Heaven for those who are saved, and Hell/The Lake of Fire, which is the second death, for the unsaved.
(10). The Second Coming of Jesus Christ at the END OF HISTORY, which will be THE BLESSED HOPE and THE CONSUMMATION OF ALL THINGS.
** The Bible ( The King James Version Or The New King James Version Preferred)
** A Concise Overview And Outline Of Systematic Theology "A Bottom Line Approach"....By: Ray A. Mason
(This Textbook Is Provided with the course)
**The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible...By: James Strong
** The Complete Word Study New Testament...By: Spiros Zodhiates
**Hermeneutics "The Science and Art of Biblical Interpretation".....By: Ray A. Mason
(This Textbook is Provided with the course)
**An Introduction To Basic New Testament Greek Word Study "Using Word Study Tools".....By: Ray A. Mason
(This Textbook is Provided with the course)
**Homiletics "The Science and Art of Preaching"....By: Ray A. Mason
(This Textbook is Provided with the course)
**So What's the Difference....By: Fritz Ridenour
**How We Got The Bible....By: Neil R. Lightfoot
**What Is Reformed Theology.... By: R.C. Sproul
**Christianity Through The Centuries....By: Earle E. Cairns
**A Popular Survey of The New Testament....By: Norman L. Geisler
**The Doctrine of Election, Predestination, and Reprobation....By: Ray A. Mason (This book comes with the course)
Voice Of Truth Bible Institute
P.O. Box 280374
Nashville, TN 37228
Address TBA. We are Currently meeting virtual on Zoom.us.
"And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also".
2 Timothy 2:2
**Associate Of Theology....Slidell Baptist Seminary, Slidell, LA
**Bachelor Of Theology.....Slidell Baptist Seminary, Slidell, LA
**Bachelor Of Evangelism & Missions, and Biblical Studies.....Grace Bible College & Seminary, Morrisville, North Carolina
**Master Degree In Biblical Counseling.....Grace Bible College & Seminary, Morrisville, North Carolina
**Master Of Divinity In Systematic Theology.....The Spirit Of Truth Institute....Richmond, VA
**Doctor Of Ministry In Pastoral Studies.....The Spirit Of Truth Institute.....Richmond, VA
** Doctor of Divinity..............................Newburgh Theological Seminary.......Newburgh, Indiana
** PhD in Biblical Preaching.................Newburgh Theological Seminary.......Newburgh, Indiana
**Dr. Mason has been in the Ministry since 1986,and received Ministerial Ordination in 1991.
**Dr. Mason's book entitled: Understanding Your Call Into the Ministry: An Exhortation to Preachers in General and Pastors in Particular, is published by Xulon Press, and is available on Amazon.com and Books A Million.com in both Paperback and Kindle editions.
**Dr. Mason's Dissertation title is: "The Urgent and Continual Need for Expository Preaching in the Twenty-First Century." Dr. Mason's Dissertation will be published by Xulon Press this fall and will be availiable on Amazon.com, Books A Million.com, and Barnes and nobles.com. Dr. Mason's new book: "The Urgent and Continual Need for Expository Preaching in the Twenty-First Century" will be released on December 9, 2020 by Xulon Press in paperback and kindle editions.
**To contact Dr. Mason concerning our school, please call (931) 378-2625, from 8am to 4pm Central Standard Time. There is no recorded message on the phone, so please leave a detailed message if you don't get anyone when you call. Please leave your name, telephone number, the reason you called, and your call will be returned as soon as possible. You can also e-mail at: masonr6281@yahoo.com. Please be advised that for some reason beyond our control, when you try to e-mail us from this page, it's not working. Therefore, please send e-mails the regular way. Thanks again for viewing our site and we look forward to serving you and hearing from you.
In Christ's Service,
The Staff, Voice of Truth Bible Institute
E-MAIL= masonr6281@yahoo.com
Phone= (931) 378-2625
ROMANS 8:29-30
"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."
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