To provide high quality, morale-boosting services and support to military members, law enforcement personnel, and their families.
On Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, morale-boosting services and events are only sparsely and intermittently provided by volunteer organizations and ministries to a few Battalions. Morale Boosters seeks to make morale-boosting services available to all Battalions on Camp Pendleton, filling the gap in such services and activities formerly provided by the military before budget cutbacks forced their curtailment.
Morale Boosters Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. Donations by patriotic secular organizations will pay for morale-boosting, non-religious items (food, materials, and logistics). Donations by patriotic Christian organizations will pay overhead costs (staff and office expenses). On Camp Pendleton, morale-boosting services and support will be provided by Morale Boosters through the Patriots Ministry, which is an officially approved ministry on Base and has served Marines and Sailors since September 2007.
Want your military members or police officers encouraged? Call Morale Boosters!
Want to encourage military members or police officers? Donate to Morale Boosters!
And remember these words from the Greatest Morale Booster of all ... John 16:33 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
Motto: The Best for the Best for Less ... or It's Free!
Morale Boosters will provide support for a wide range of in-person, morale-boosting events requested by Commands, Family Readiness Officers, or Chaplains. On Camp Pendleton, these include:
Service recipients will be:
Salary for a Marine PFC (
A Marine PFC (a grunt Marine) is paid at the E-2 pay grade schedule -- $19,465 a year before taxes. Lance Corporals and Marine PFCs are most of the Marines who have fought Islamic terrorists since 2001, and continue to fight them, risking life and limb for $400 a week plus room and board, before taxes.
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