Rev Dr David McNally, a retired Lutheran Church ordained pastor, now has no church duties but would like to make himself available to any Lutheran Christian living in the west of Scotland who finds him/herself miles from a Lutheran Church, either ELCE or LCIGB. It can be lonely out there,
but David is happy to help as and when and where needed, especially with what are called 'rites of passage', i.e. baptisms, marriages (David is registered with the authorities in Edinburgh to officiate at weddings anywhere in Scotland) and funerals.
There is no fee or charge for any of these ceremonies or sacraments, but a gift towards travel costs from my home in Troon, South Ayrshire, would be appreciated.
Please do contact David if you are a long way from a Lutheran Church or Lutheran fellowship.
email address:
mobile (cell) phone 07491-940277
The Lord be with you, and yours.
The great Reformer, Martin Luther, never wanted a church or denomination named after him, but that is what happened, and all over the world there are 'Lutheran churches'. The two main groups in the U.K. are the ELCE (Evangelical Lutheran Church of England) which is associated with the L.C.M.S. in the U.S., and the LCiGB (Lutheran Church in Great Britain) which is affiliated to E.L.C.A. and the Lutheran World Federation.
David was ordained in the ELCE in October 2007 after completing a course of studies through and at Westfield House in Cambridge, and served the congregation of St Columba in East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire until August 2010.
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