Inkazimulo Christ Church (ICC) was founded by Bishop Vusi Mfusi in Kempton Park, South Africa and was later joined by Reverend Vusi Skosana in the leadership of the church. ICC is a Christian Church that affirms the principles of Christian faith to clearly establish orderly governance within its members in a manner consistent with the Scriptures.
ICC thrives to bring people to Christ through evangelism, share love through fellowship, encourage empowerment through discipleship, and demonstrate God's love through membership growth. ICC is responsible to shephered God's people (Acts20:28), to labour diligently among them (1Thess5:12), to have charge over them and to keep watch over their souls (Heb13:17)
1. Targeting mostly the community in squatter camps, we request donations of any kind mostly clothing and shoes; sanitary pads and nappies, food, reading and drawing books.
2. For Administrative Purposes, we request donations new or used: computers, printers, photocopy machine, office furniture, photography equipment, mission vehicle, music instruments, tents, stationery, as well as mission funding.
Our Banking Details: Account Holder is Inkazimulo Christ Church.. Bank Name is ABSA Current/Cheque Account Number is 9315135175 Branch Code is 8046 Swift Code is ABSAZAJJ Bank Clearing Code is 632005
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