Services are held currently on online/ due the covid is resurfacing- Please send all corresponding to
Eagles Life Restoration Ministries
ELR Prophetic Shift Podcast Network
1126 S Federal Hwy #1177
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
United States
Sunday Night RAW (Real Authentic Word) - 8 pm
Wednesday Night and Friday Night - Christian Education training at 830pm and Saturday at 530pm (Apostolic Fire School of Ministry) afts Education
SaturdayNight - Emergent Prayer 911 - 800pm
please subcribe to both youtube for the Podcast Network of ELR Prophetic Shift Podcast Network for services live at or visit our podcast network at
for AFTS (Apostolic Fire School of Ministry
our youtube for training
Apostolic Fire School of Ministry - YouTube\
Please call us live live on the air 1 313 209 880 ministry code 6153528 or the days for additional information please call us at 754 317 3367
South Atlantic Region of COREG
Dr. Erica Lashawn Robertson, (The Fire chamber) is the CEO of ELR Prophetic Shift Podcast Network,(formerly called Consuming Fire Network since 2009). A prophetic Psalmist and upcoming recording artist of DLG Records. She is the founder of Eagles Life Restoration Ministries formerly D.R.O. Florida Ministries (Established 2008 ). Relaunch under the name under (Fire Chamber Ministries in 2017. In 2019, God has change the name of the Eagles Life Restoration Ministries She pastored for 24 years; and currently served as Overseer, and the Assistant Director of South Atlantic Region under the leadership of the Honorable Chief Apostle Amos Horton Jr.of Beaumont Tx COREG Ministries her spiritual father / Covering . Dr. Erica Robertson is the Presiding Prelate/General Overseer of ELR Ministries Coalition Alliance Fellowship of the Churches., Degree Credentials : B.Th. Christian Social Work, M.Th Christian Education, M.Div Chrisitan Counseling, B.S Applied Management. D. Mus; D. Div and currently working towards a Ph.D. in Pysch chemistry
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