Faith Statement
1. The Bible is Spirit - inspired, infallible and authoritative WORD OF GOD. It
is the supreme and final authority for all Christian doctrines.
2. Only one eternal God exists in three distinctive persons namely Father, Son
and the Holy Spirit. He is one in Essence but functions as three in Divine
3. Jesus Christ, the son of God, manifested in flesh, lived victoriously for 33½
Years, died for the sins of the entire world, rose again on third day, ascended
to the father, sat on his right hand and would return in glory to Judge and Rule
this earth.
4. Redemptive work (Atonement) of Christ on the cross provides the complete -
perfect - Eternal salvation which includes forgiveness of sins, righteousness,
holiness, regeneration of human spirit, healing of physical body, Deliverance
from curses and demonic spirits, overcoming life, transformation into the image
of Christ, and redemption of physical bodies from sin and death.
5. One mystical - universal body of Christ exists in the Earth, which includes
all truly born again believers beyond the barriers of Race, Colour, language,
denominations, groupism and doctrinal differences.
6. Local expressions of the universal body of Christ are local churches, which
are supposed to stand only on the basis of geographical locations.
7. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is distinct from indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit is followed by outward manifestation of the gifts of
the Holy Spirit.
8. The five fold ministries - Apostles, Prophets evangelists, pastors and
teachers - are the major gift to the universal as well as local church.
9. Grace - giving is the pattern of new testament giving which is purely based
on the grace not on the law or by compulsion.
10. God-ordained and delegated authority exists in Three basic areas 1) Family
2) Church 3) Nations. Everyone needs to recognize these set authorities and
those who are in authority are also accountable to God.
11. Repentance from Sins, and believing in Christ are mandatory to receive God's
salvation and the true experience of salvation is confirmed by water baptism and
following the Lord for whole life time.
12. New Jerusalem, the Bride-City, is the ultimate God's vision - goal of God,
which consist of truly born again and over coming saints of God from various
groups and churches. God is transforming this chosen remnant in this present
church age into a glorious bride for His son.
Present ministry of the church
1. Three major ministries are assigned to the whole body of Christ.
a. Ministry of intercession
b. Ministry of reconciliation
c. Ministry of healing and deliverance
2. Equipping, perfecting and edification of the believers through five fold
3. Disciple making by committing the whole counsel of god.
4. Planting the new testament pattern churches
5. Restructuring the pattern of church ministries (Plural ministries and
government of local churches by the lord Jesus Christ)
6. recognizing all truly born again believers and fellowshipping with them in
Christ in order to be built up into one Body of Christ
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