Poverty is now widespread in Guyana South America.High unemployment,drugs ,violence against women ,HIV/AIDS among youths and children has enveloped this nation.Single female parents located in rural areas are in tremendous difficulty as enemployed men migrate leaving the women to care for children.Many of these children become school dropouts and runners for drug pushers resulting in abuse ,violence and HIV/AIDS.Women in the vanguard of the livelihood struggle as they would not run and leave their childre. The CHTISTIAN DEVELOMENT FOUNDATION ,a team of christian professionals has volunteered ,time ,skills and often our own money to bring relief to these mothers. We are a registered FAITH-BASED NGO with the Ministry of local Government through the office of the Regional Chairman,Regional Democratic Council ,Crescent Linden Guyana.Contact Mr Mortimer Mingo email ,mortymingo@yahoo,com. The project also reports to a district Presbyter Rev Morris Mc kinnon ,Faith Assembly of God Church ,of One Mile Wismar Linden. For 2007-2009 we have established an ambitious project under the HEAD- "WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS".Apilot project was tested successfully during 2006 with 20 mothers. The project commences with four capacity building workshops ie ;1.Violence against women 2.Gender and equality 3.Self vision for development 4.Agriculture development for sustainable develoment. These workshops are followed by two practical training sessions in the field 1.simple agricultural methods. 2.handling surpluses This project requires FUNDING in the sum of US$6,OO0 FOR 2007-2008 and US$ 4,000 for 2008-2009. Our appeal is to persons who care for humanity and suffering women to please support this project.Our needa are as follows: 1.Seeds for the tropics [cucumber,pakchoi,spinish,watermellon,tomato,sweet peppers,okra,eggplant and pumpkin] 2.Where materials cannot be sent CASH. 3.Used shoes,toys for children. 4.Prayers and email encouragement. We have nurtured local support from the following groups in the form of volunteers;God Finest Women. Office of the Regional Chairman[Free transport] Over the past five years we have completed the following : 1.A poultry rearing project [ongoing] 2.A women garment making training programme [2004-2006] 3.Support [fund raising ]the rebuilding of two houses gutted by fire [final one is being completed] [Monday 16th april ,a single mother and daughter made homeless by fire ,we are already on the move ,securing local support and will mobilise the community towards rebuilding.] 4.youth/child education programme.we raise funds and support the return of these to school and support them through out.
The spread of HIV/AIDS seem to be linked to poverty and ignorance. poverty has driven children and youths from the normal mainstream of life into lives prostitution,drugs ,violence and sexual abuse.We have experienced a new trend here in Guyana where even boys are now sexually abused .While there are gropps supporting affected persons ,education and awareness are lacking. The Christian Development Foundation has formulated a two -year programme to educate youths and children about HIV/AIDS. This programme wilL target both primary and secondary schools involving both students , teachers and parents.The hope is to get them involved in activities ,past times ,education programs and sports to promote safe lifestyles. We cannot continue to pretend while the next generation are dying before our eyes. The project cost for two years are as follows:US$ 8,000 for two years. Suport also in the form of LARGE HIV/POSTERS ,White tea shirts, caps will help towards the success of this project. We sincerely covit the prayers ,material and finalcial support of our readers of this appeal. Please feel free to contact the project coordinator at the following address: Rev Renis Morian 4,Burnham Drive Wismar Linden Guyana South America. email;moriman53@yahoo.com tele 592-442-0168 592-624 -2982 contact the project officer: Ms Shena Bristol 47,Tewern Avenue,Richmond Hill ,Linden Guyana. tele 592-444-6711
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