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I have been gifted by God and sent out, as one to Exhort the saved and Evangelize the lost. As my 20th anniversary of drama ministry draws near I glance back--and look forward, because it is NOT about where I have BEEN---but where I am GOING NEXT! The fine art of theatre is what I have been blessed to use as the drawing card for those who might not go to see a "normal" preaching service. Art is the bridge that God uses to bring folks to himself--through the gifting he has placed upon my life. IT IS ALL OF GOD AND NONE OF ME. If it was of my own making-then it was a waste, and will bring foth no eternal fruit.


OBADIAH- THE MAN WHO MADE THE NAILS! He is a ficticious character who tells of his encounters with JESUS. GABRIEL- Yes, the angel, he tells the timeless story of JESUS leaving his glory to come to earth to carry out his purpose on the cross. KING DAVID- David from the day he is told his son Absalom has been killed-he reflects on all the highs & lows that have brought him here. This is a very strong message for MENS GATHERINGS. I have MANY other characters, which deal with other important topics,as well as CHALK DRAWINGS too! One day events, as well as multi-day events--MEN and YOUTH ARE MY SPECIALTY!

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