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Christian Recovery Aftercare Ministry (CRAM)

P. O. Box 5464, 509 Division Street • Harrisburg, PA 17110 • United States • 717-234-3664/see/charmin/CM09149

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CRAM's mission is to provide support, resources and referrals to assist individuals in prison and/or the ex-offender, with pre-release, re-entry and transitional planning. This is to achieve positive changes that benefit themselves as well as the community. The Vision of CRAM is that our target population is offered an opporuntiy to restore themselves and to successfully reintegrate in their respective communities. CRAM is a faith-based organization with a primary purpose to work with people from a Christ focused perspective. Our target population are individuals who are incarcerated and/or ex-offenders. CRAM collaborates with other faith-based and community-based organizations, in an effort to provide the client with the highest quality of assistance possible. We provide aftercare as well as share resources that will present opportunities for self-empowerment. We provide individuals with tools necessary to be successful and productive by providing essential mentoring, coaching, guidance and training in areas such as substance abuse, social addictions, HIV risk behavior, illiteracy, unemployment and dysfunctional family/marriage environment

CRAM Services and Staff

CRAM services include, but are not limited to: Transitional Planning Re-entry aftercare services HIV prevention awareness Sexual abstinence awareness Violence prevention awareness Drug/alcohol/addictive behaviors Peer guidance/mentoring/coaching Opportunity for Community Service Job search assistance Computer sessions Free household items distribution center CRAM's service to the incarcerated consist of the life skills class (SAVE - Spiritual Awareness Vocational Education) in which classes are conducted weekly. This class provides instruction and knowledge of community resources that may be used by the inmate upon release. The curriculum does offer vital instruction and awareness to enable a successful transition back into their respective communities. CRAM's staff are as follows: Missionary Juanita Grant, BCM - Founder and Chief Executive Officer

5 Board of Directors: Rev. Dr. Geraldine Crystal, Rev. Victor Washington, Irene B. Gillis, Charmaine Spells and Attorney Carol L. Cingranelli

Chief Fiscal Officer - Elias D. Joseph, MBC Secretary - Kimberley Gillis Corporate Attorney - Sharon Lane 17 volunteers

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