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Revival Fires Ministries

P.O. Box 36, • Sellersburg, IN 47172 • United States • /see/charmin/CM09087

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A Little About Myself !

A Heart Of A God Chaser ! I'm Pastor - Evangelist Steven Ferguson. I am called by God. I am a ordained minister. I am equipped by the Power of the Holy Spirit . With Over 30 years in my studies and working in the church in all areas, and with Preaching in Nursing Homes, Jails, & Prisons. I have been on a local T.V. Station and on Christian Radio. I have held revivals in different churches,and even held tent revivals. I hold that the Word of the Living God is true and there is no lie in it. I believe in water baptism and in-filling of the Holy Ghost. I believe the Word of God will heal you, help you and save you. I believe that the grace of our Lord is sufficient for everyone. I know that Jesus lives! And that everyone who trusts in Him lives and has access to life more abundantly. God is my Source and my Savior, therefore whatever I see Him doing, I endeavor to be a part of it in all I do. I see Him healing the sick, saving the lost, prospering the poor and needy. I see Him granting the hearts desire of the ones who take delight in Him. I see Him preaching the Gospel (good news) to the poor and teaching them how to prosper in Him. I see Him readying the world and His people for His return. All these and so much more the Lord of Glory is accomplishing in every place. To watch Him intervene on behalf of the people is my delight. To witness His Glorious power toward those who believe Him is reward. I speak of His goodness to all who will hear. He is my life. He is the lifter up of my head. I love Him and Praise Him always. I speak His Word boldly, because I know He confirms His Word and the word of His servants. I operate in the Gifts of the Spirit, because I know He has placed them in His body to profit the people. I love Him with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. My hearts desire is fulfilled when I see Him saving, healing, helping, and delivering through the Power of His Name. My spirit rejoices when I see Him showing His Love to someone that didn't even know love existed and showing them His Salvation. He really does show Himself strong on behalf of all who really have a heart after Him. I have the Heart Of A God Chaser! He is Gracious, Kind and Good. In this, I have tried to convey the essence of myself, the who I am, the core of my existence. The rest of my life is simply an outgrowth of this core of His love and I am very grateful to the One from Whom all blessings flow. Every truly good thing is from Him. He has shown Himself Valiant in my life and Powerful in my ministry. I pray that everyone who reads this will become Hungry for His Goodness and Thirsty for His Grace, and I pray that everyone who does, becomes filled with these things as they learn about Him and begin to trust in His Goodness. I have 4 web sites to spread the Gospel and the Lord has blessed it,My Wife Has Two; you can find them at: ---------- Revival Fires Ministries ------ Revival Fires Ministries --------- Revival Fires Ministries ---------- Revival Fires Ministries / The Watchman Revival Fires Womens Ministries

2009 Ministry Partners

BE A MINISTRY PARTNER AND SPREAD THE GOSPEL AROUND THE WORLD ! Responding By Faith This world isn't going to set you free financially, you've got to be set free by the covenant. By your tithe, by your offering, by your sowing. According to your faith be it unto you. Matthew 9:29 God doesn't respond to our need, He responds to our Faith. He didn't say according to your need be it unto you, He said according to your Faith be it unto you. Your seed is something you have that can create something you desire. If you have a need in your life today, no matter what it is, it's not to big for God. If it's a big need plant a big seed. If it's a small need plant a small seed. To receive your harvest you must plant your seed into good ground and then have the Faith that God will release your harvest to you. What you have in your hand is your seed, what God has in His hand is your harvest. When you let go of your seed, God lets go of your harvest. God Will Bless Those Who Blesses Others! In The Past Few Weeks Different Ones Have Sent Letters; Called By Phone & E-mailed Me About This Ministry! We Trust This Ministry Is A Blessing To You, And We Want You To Tell Others About Us. This Is A Faith Based Ministry, We Depend Upon Offerings And Love Gifts To Fund Every Facet Of This Work. Even What I Receive From My Meetings Also Goes Into The Ministry After My Tithes Come Out First. We Need Your Help Today! The Harvest Is Great; But This Ministry Needs Your Help Today! We Feed The Hungry; Cloth The Homeless; Visit Those In Jails & Prisions; Also Sending Them Bible Materials. [ ] YES! I am standing with Revival Fires Ministries, Helping The Homeless, Feeding The Needy, Helping Those In Prison, And Preaching The Gospel To The Lost, And Giving The Hope & Peace Of Christ To Everyone That Will Come To Him! Enclosed is one time gift: [ ] $75 [ ] $100 [ ] $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] Other $_______ Enclosed is a monthly gift: [ ] $50 [ ] $100 [ ] $200 [ ] $500 [ ] Other $_________ Thank you for your love and generosity! Please make your Check or Money Order out to: Send Your Love Offerings To: Revival Fires Ministries P. O. Box 36 Sellersburg, Indiana. 47172.

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