The Voice Of God Ministries of INDIA Aims & Objects 24 Hour Hallelujah Healing Praying Center for all the Nations. Working with the all denominations Peoples in india. Church planting in all cities and Villages in anywhere in India. Miracle, Healing, Crusade Ministry Pastor Leadership Training Ministry School Bible College for the Pastor Training Sunday school Ministry Free Bible Distribution Ministries. Street Ministry - Travel Ministry - Women Ministry Youth Ministry - Jail Ministry Hospital Free Medicine Ministry For the non-Christian peoples Ministry Free Education Schools for the poor & needy person. Free Computer Centers for the needy & poor Christians. Free Food providing the poor and needy . Swing Centers for the poor girls & widows women. Health centers in different areas of India. Technical institute for the needy peoples. Old House for the women & mans. Support the Pastors Our main goal to built 24-Hour Prayer Center + Stadium in Vijayawada/India on 10 million United States Dollors. Wining the 10,000,000 unsaved Souls for the Jesus Christ in India. July 7, 2005 | Request Prayer | Read Praises | Donate | Shop My Dear Friend George Sekhar: In the clutter of competing messages in your email inbox, I ask you to stop for a moment and ask the Lord to prepare your heart for a very urgent and personal message I have prepared just for you. Please read every word. I shared with you at the beginning of this page how I sensed an intensified anointing to reach the lost and how God's power would be poured out during this powerful year in which millions of souls would enter the kingdom of God. It has been all that my wonderful Lord revealed to me and so much more--a harvest of souls as never before seen! Because you have stood with me--with your prayers and financial seed . Still we need to do lot as days are near to meet our lord Jesus Christ who is cominig soon. So I request you to sow your best seed in this very ministry and I encourage you to be a full pledged partener to reap aboundant harvest prepared for along with us. If you have any prayer request or spiritual need or any information to know please contact us at : The Voice Of God Ministries # 17-19/2-8 , Peter Street ,Pezzonipet Vijayawada , Andhra Pradesh, India , PIN:520003. Phone: 0866 - 2571475 Mobile: 9849015685 Or Email :
As a consequence of our faith in the infallible Word of God we believe the following as essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
We believe:
1. In the only true and living God, the Holy Trinity of Divine Persons in perfect unity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each of whom is co-equal and co-eternal, and sovereign in creation providence and redemption. 2. In the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is holy, righteous, full of grace, mercy, compassion and love. In His infinite love He sent forth the Son, that through Him the world might be saved. 3. In the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God1 whose true humanity and full deity were mysteriously and really joined in the unity of His divine person. We believe in His virgin birth, in His perfect life and teaching, in His substitutionary, atoning death on the cross, where He triumphed over satan, sin and death; in His bodily resurrection and His ascension into heaven, where now He sits in glory at the right hand of God. 4. In the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, whose work is indispensable to regenerate the sinner, to lead him to repentance, to give him faith in Christ, to sanctify the believer in this present life and fit him to enjoy fellowship with God. For spiritual power and effectiveness His ministry is essential to the individual Christian and the Church. 5. That as a result of the Fall all men are sinful by nature. Sin pollutes and controls them, infects every part of their being, renders them guilty in the sight of a holy God and subject to the penalty which, in His wrath and condemnation, He has decreed against it. 6. That through faith (and only faith) in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose death was a perfect oblation and satisfaction for our sins, the sinner is freely justified by God who, instead of reckoning to us our sins, reckons Christ's righteousness to our account. Salvation is therefore by grace and not by human merit. 7. That the Lord Jesus Christ will return personally, visibly and gloriously to this earth, to receive His saints to Himself and to be seen of all men. As the righteous Judge, He will divide all men into two, and only two categories - the saved and the lost. Those whose faith is in Christ will be saved eternally, and will enter into the joy of their Lord, sharing with Him His inheritance in heaven. The unbelieving will be condemned by Him to hell, where eternally they will be punished for their sins under the righteous judgement of God. While churches whose doctrinal standards correspond to the above statement of belief shall be eligible to co-operate with, or affiliate to the Movement, the doctrinal position of the Movement with regard to the doctrines of grace is broadly represented by the classical reformed confessions of faith. (e.g. Westminster Confession 1647, Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order 1658, Baptist Confession of Faith 1689, Confession of Faith of Welsh Calvinistic Methodists 1823).
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