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"He (Jesus, the High Priest) is first, by translation of his name, king of righteousness, and then he is also king of Salem, that is, king of Peace" (Heb 7:2).

SALEM VOICE MINISTRIES is a registered Society in India No.K.993/99, praying for others as well as working for the world peace. We pray to God the Father through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit for every nations that He may protect everybody from peaceless, uneasiness, natural calamities, terrorism and wars.

Salem Voice Ministries do charitable works by giving education to the poor children; running orphanages; building houses for homeless; supplying medicines,clothes and food for the needy; establishing mobile dispensaries for the slums, interior villages and hill places.

And also we share the experience of Salvation by proclaiming the Gospel. Actually real Conversion is not change of religion, but change of hearts with God's love. So the Salem Voice Ministries not to convert anybody to a religion, but to win souls unto the saving power of Jesus Christ. We love Jesus. For He is our Lord and Saviour, from whom all Goodness and Salvation comes. His Name is above all names.

At any cost we wish to share the redeeming love of Christ, especially to the people of the third world countries through charitable, child care, and relief services. We do personal evangelism as Emmaus style of our Lord, postal evangelism, correspondance courses, conducting seekers conferences and short term cross cultural trainings, establishing cell groups for the church planting. We establish the institution of Good News libraries, print and distribute tracts and other literature and conducting Bible classes. We conduct Gospel campaigns, retreats. We are sending out missionaries and mentoring successors. We pray and plan to establish a Bible College for the Third World Countries to be sent out missionaries for sharing the Good News and the redeeming love of Christ. Also we have a great desire in our Lord Jesus Christ to translate Bibles in the languages of Africa, Middle East, India (certain dialects in India still don't have Bibles), Indonesia etc.

We run village schools for the children and adult educational centres for illiterates. We wish and pray to start these kinds of schools more places. Also want to start computer schools for the youth and tailoring and binding schools for the widows and poor women.

There are about 100 missionaries working for the Lord, and 52 cell groups gathering every week to pray and worship under the label of Salem Voice Ministries in different parts of the third world nations.

The director board of Salem Voice consists 7 members to govern the society. A monthly prayer bulletin called "Salem Voice" published in the language of Malayalam since last nine years. It doesn't have subscription, but sending freely. We wish and publish it in different languages as well as in English. There is a huge expenditure for the works of Salem Voice. We relay on God for all our needs. We need your prayers, spiritual advices and all kind of financial, and material supports for this great task. So that God may enable us to reach the unreached. We desire and pray to have buses and clinical materials for establishing mobile dispensaries for slums, hilly places, interior villages or the places where natural calamities or contagious diseases or accidents affects. We need to have a retreat House where people come and stay with the Lord for minimum one weeks retreats. We need buses for mobile dispensaries, vans (for bringing literature), mini buses (for going outreach with musical team), motorbikes (for evangelists), musical instruments, a multi unit offset press to publish literature and Bibles, Computers for the computer school, Prayer Halls, Rehabilitation Centres, and property and buildings for the Bible College. PASTOR PAUL CINIRAJ, SALEM VOICE MINISTRIES, DEVALOKAM (P.O), KOTTAYAM, KERALA-686038, INDIA.


The Worldwide Daily Prayer Circle is a project of the Salem Voice Ministries which encourages people to intercede towards God the Father through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. It can be considered as fasting and prayer as well as as an internet prayer chain. Those who join this daily prayer circle may chose ten minutes to intercede everyday in between 5.30 to 7.00 am or 9.30 to 11 pm at their own local standard time. They have to intercede the prayer requests of those who are suffering from sicknesses, debts, having no children, homeless, jobless, abusive to others, sick with hate, fear, addicted on drugs/alcohol or likewise problems of depression, peaceless and uneasiness. Also pray for the world peace, unity of nations and spiritual harmony. Pray again and again that God may protect everybody from natural calamities, wars, terrorism, communnal riots etc. At a particular time, born again children of God will cry out together from different places in the world. So prayers will be continuing before God every 24 hours around the globe. Anybody from any denomination can link with this prayer circle. Not only the intercession, but at least once in a week, fasting and prayer for those who are involved in the intercession is also the part of this prayer circle. As we are aware, through the love and grace of Jesus Christ, there are innumerable miracles happening across the body of Christ. We believe that the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit is still working in a magnificent way in the church. We will be capturing these testimonies of love of Jesus Christ; from the body of the church will be made available in a systematic manner. We believe, these testimonies will help the church to recharge their faith in Christ and will eventually lead them to personal relationship with our savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

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