SHALOM CHARITABLE TRUST is a registered trust with the Charity Commissioner of Mumbai, India. We have 12 A and 80 G (Income Tax exemption certificate) also. We do keep clean accounts audited and files the Tax returns regularly.
The aim of SCT is to enhance the life of downtrodden and to lift up those who are affected by natural calamities.
At present we selected two places, one in Goregaon (one of the largest slums) in the suburb of Mumbai and another in South Tamil Nadu, where many coolies(below poverty Line) live.
THE OBJECTIVES OF THE TRUST are : Child Welfare Centers, Orphanages, Old Age Homes, Hostels, Schools, Health Clinics, Income generating schemes, adult literacy, social awareness, literature, etc.
Two child welfare centres have been started and smoothly running for the fourth year. We do keep 110 children of different communities, different languages among the poorest of the the poor.
We have 11 staffs.
We need support for running the child welfare centers.
We all know that millions of people have affected in the December 26th 'Tsunami waves. There are many many people who are struggling for their lives, among those who are alive.
We earnestly request you to help the victims of this horrible natural disaster. There is a greater need for more Mercy Homes to house, feed, clothe and educate the poor children who are left without families or homes.
Even though many measures have already been taken for sheltering the people, still there are tremendous need for constructing the affected families and children. We plan to construct a few more rooms to accommodate the orphans and destitutes who have been affected in this tsunami waves.
(1) We need a good amount of money for the construction of minimum 5 rooms.
One room costs Rs. 3,00,000 (US $ 7,000) + Rs. 1,00,000 furniture.
The Rooms will be named after the donor.
Also, for the food, clothes, education, medicine, and others , we need $ 30 (US $ 30) for one child per month.
We plan to keep 200 affected people.
About 1000 people died till Aug. 1, 2005. Tens of Thousands of people have been affected by damaged houses, evacuation for safety measures, lost property, vehicles, and other valuable belongings. Life in Mumbai is totally shattered.
THE NEED is to provide basic needs - food, drinking water, temporary shelter, clothes, medicines, etc.
SHALOM CHARITABLE TRUST does a great job to meet these needs of the community, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, culture and language.
So kindly stretch your hands to help the affected by the flood.
Kindly donate generously for these noble causes.
The donations are Tax Exempted under 80 (G) of Indian Tax Act.
The help to these affected will be possible only with your involvement. We need the money to construct the rooms and we need people who will adopt these children by donating US $ 30 per month to provide clothes, feed and educate them.
Please respond quickly to this call for help.
Send in your donations by D.D., or cheques, or pay Order favoring "SHALOM CHARITABLE TRUST" (payable in Mumbai) at the address, "Shalom Charitable Trust, 202/ A-9, Rutu Enclave, Kasarwadavalli, Godbunder Road, Kasarwadavalli P.O., Thane- 400 601, India"
Please contact by E-Mail at
We look forward to your response.
Sincerly yours,
Mumbai, India.
Mobile : 98690 53790
Telephone : (091)(022)2818 6989
Generous donors may please contact for details :
The Trustees will appreciate your helps.
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