Desmod akporido is a iterdeomiatioal miistry uder the leadership of the youg dyamic charismatic preacher REV.Desmod a .akporido.with a strog drive i evagelistic crusade ad revival meetigs ,soudig the alarm i zio for ODS PEOPLE to rise up i true faith ad power of the HOLY SPIRIT. impactig this age,their commuities with the positive life givig message of thelord through his mothly crusades, revival meetigs ,at various part of his coutry with a rear kid of a aoitig ,that is hard todiscribe uless you experiece it .hudreds lives has bee touched saved healed ad deliverd from sataic boudages as he preaches aroud the atio,by the POWER of OD.
earlier this year REV .Desmodakporido aouce that OD is askig him to break camp ad move forward by this he meas takig extra steps i the miistry ,through holdig iteratioal meetigs which for the last several moths ivitatios have bee comig from every part of the world calligo his attetio .i respodsto these , he turs to three west africa coutries for his iteratioal crusades .REV.Desmod akporido comes to ghaa october 28th to 30th ad liberia ovember 11th to 13th ,the he comes to camerouo ovember 25th to 27th this year 2004,for his all believer revival crusades .
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