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Holiness Revival Ministries

4551 - 143rd Street, Warren Park D • Harare, Harare ZW • Zimbabwe • 263 4 227932/see/charmin/CM08139

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Vision Statement and Needs

*Vision Statemet To renew and revisit holiness restore biblical teachigs on the worship of God and biblical leadership style, to reach at least 1000 lost souls for Christ per year and to network with various ministries world over. *Vision needs: Special prayer for the founder pastor so as to remain low and humble and that God will continously anoint humbly use and equip him for great effectiveess in ministry. The miistry needs strong finacial and material support and backig so as to survive through this harsh economic climate. No donation is too small for kingdom of God.We need Public Address System, Vehicles and to construct a church building. We also have started a work at Morogoro Tanzania which needs regular visits. Locally we are multipying and have penentrated even the bush areas of Shurugwi and Gutu where people need material and financial support much. Our Bank Account is at Stanbic Nelson Mandela Branch No 0121056342301 Future plans 1 To establish and plant churches world over 2 To build a Bible Seminary by the name Pastor's Academy 3 To build both a primary and secondary school by the name Rivers Of Blessings. 4 To build a vocational center *Rivers of Blessings Charity: This is for special social& security services provider to orphan, widows and poor children at large. *The Helping Hand Ministry For social & security service provider to widows, destitutes and the poor. *Rivers of Blessing In Christ Network Social and security services and protection of victimised pastors and their families. Most pastors are unfairly victimised due to church organizational structures or buruecracy and dirty church politics. We encourage and support them to break new grounds with Christ. We need to sent missionaries right across Africa up to the utmost part of the world.This network is the mother board of new ministries and missionaries.

*Mission Statement/Aims and Objectives

Mission Statement Our mission in this world is to spearhead the developmet of viable Christiaity, which would be relevat to this life, both for this and the comig generations in all nations and races. We aim to be relevat in related church services; bible studies and practical living lessons which will produce both quality and quantity Christian groups respectively.Among other ministries, we seek to revisit and balance holy living and divine wisdom. We also advocate for a biblical solution for the HIV/IDS pademic in our total abstainance campaign,which is holiess revival endeavour thruogh the teachigs and obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. *Core Values In 0ur commitment to holiess the miistry primarily seeks consistent guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ and the leadig of the Holy Spirit with the following in mind: · To meet personal, spiritual needs and satisfy our members · To team work spiritually and physically in educating and promoting holy living · To have ability to nurture and follow up our members · To produce quality Bible lessons which propagate the truth of Jesus Christ in Repentance, Baptism, Holy Communion, the Resurrection and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ · Trasparecy, impartiality and efficiency in our leadership and our members. *Aims and Objectives · To worship and wait for the soon comig king, Jesus Christ · To live full and purposef driven lives with the fear of God our Creator · To provide biblical deliverace of saints from all Sataism, denominational colonization, charismatic witchcraft, demonic oppression and from all sicknesses through prayer and teachings of the Word of God. · To restore true biblical apostlic and prophetic leadership and to provide global evangelism · To recogize and validate those who are called by God into miistry and show proof of their calling · To take care of the needy i.e. orphans, widows, and the proor in a biblical perspective · To establish and build churches, Bible Colleges, public halls, seminaries, orphanages for the beefit of the church and nations. · To provide a biblical channel through which spiritual gifts and the five-fold ministry should operate in the church of today for the edification of the body of Christ. · To provide an HIV/AIDS campaign and to prescribe by urging all people to totally abstain from sex outside or before marriage and to shun promiscuity, fornication and adultery Rm 1:25-32, Lev 20:10, Ex 20:14 *What we offer We offer free prayers for the sick,the demon oppressed and tormented. We also offer free Bible studies, seminary teachigs. *Our miistries: church groups, youth groups, ladies unions, Sunday school classes, choirs, choral groups, and evangelism teams, teachig miistries. Who is the founder? The ministry was founded by Pastor Joseph Kelleb Madungwe in Harare Warren Park D on the 5th of October 2003. He is a dynamic speaker in churches and at conferences arround the world emphasising the authority of God's word and the power of the Holy to deliver people from all satanism, charismatic witchcraft, denominational colonization , demonic oppression and from all sicknesses. Prompted by the Spirit, he also advocates believers to master the atr and science of maximising the Bible's potential and God's provision of good health, wealth, victory over sin and divine guidance in life through Jesus Christ the son of the living and true God.

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