Greetigs to you i the Name of our Lord ad Saviour JESUS CHRISTWe are very happy for your itrest for miistry It is a great previlage to serve the Lord , it was ot etrusted to the agles, but it was etrusted to all of us by His grace to be witess for Him i this dare world I am from Idia, my ame is Emmauel The Lord had put a great zeal for the usaved i our coutry The Lord had spoe from Hos 10:12 "…… brea up your fallow groud ……" i other words, plough the groud ad sow the seed I obediece to His promise we are movig to preach the Gospel i the remote villages The Lord has give us taleted parters for the miistry I this way we all glorifyig the Lord It is a great privilege to serve Him The Lord is taig us i so may situatios to teach His precious lessos but it is a great privilege to suffer for Him ad learig us how to be patiece with prayerfully impartig the power of the Lord to move ito the fields of harvest It is ot we, who do but the Lord, who has empowered us to do everythig by His grace ad the prayer of His saits Glory to God i everythig OUR PASSION AND VISION (we eed you too to mae it a reality) 1to brig may souls for Christ 2to reach every village with the Gospel of Jesus Christ 3to establish the cogregatios where there is o cogregatio 4to trai ad equip the people to be witesses ad to share the Gospel to their eighbors 5to sed the film teams to promote the gospel to the ureached villages 6to preach the Gospel amog the childre because childre are proe to dagers of this worldy attractios which hiders them to atted the church The age is such which mae them to love the daress rather tha the Light (Jesus) 7to share the love of Christ through humaitaria iitiatives 8to help the old wome (widows) by establishig a old age home 9to help the poor childre with clothes, educatio ad proper care 10to share the social gospel to them those oppose the Christiaity ABOUT INDIA: 1 Bor agai Christias are oly 2% out of 100 crore total populatio 2 More tha 50 % people ever heard the Name of Jesus 3 There are more tha 5 lah villages without the Gospel umbrella 4 More tha 55 thousad people die each day without the privilege to hear the Gospel to determie /choose the everlastig life before they ic their bucet OBSTACLES TO EVANGELISM 1Growig militacy amog Hidus 2caste system still very prevalet i Idia society 3icreasig omialism ad o-evagelical attitude of the believers 4of the 3000 major ethic group, 2400 have to be reached with the gospel OUR MINISTRIES: 1GOSPEL CRUSADES 2CHILDREN MINISTRIES 3VILLAGE EVANGELISM 4GOSPEL TRACT MINISTRIES 5DOOR TO DOOR MINISTRIES 6OPENAIR MINISTRIES 7BIBLE DISTRIBUTION MINISTRIES Kidly pray for us ad for the miistry i Idia ad exted your lovig had for the furtherace of the Gospel to the perishig souls i this lad With your extetio of lovig prayerful support hads we ca move further i this great tas of soul wiig please remember us i your daily prayers 1 Thes 5:25 OUR INVITATION TO YOU (Eph 4:12) Our warm welcome to you to IdiaYour presece,prayers ad support are the blessig i miistryplease visit oce ad co-operate with us ad let us share the blessig at the feet of the LORD JESUS CHRIST We are waitig for your id reply Yours i His eteral grace PEMMANUEL AND RUTHRAMANI AGAPE GOSPEL OUTREACH TEAM For more iformatio write to AGOT HNo-5-1-13/9,Shatiagar,Sagareddy-502001,AP, Idia Phoe: 91-08455-275250 E-mail:p_emmauelrediffmailcom
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