Grace Baptist Bible Study | ministry in Ada, OK | Powered by Net Ministries
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Grace Baptist Bible Study

, • Ada, OK • United States • 580-759-3093/see/charmin/CM08096

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Our Purpose Statement

Grace Baptist Bible Study is a outreach miistry sposored by Heartlad Baptist hurch of Oklahoma ity.

The Holy Bible is the word of the Livig God to ma. Uderstadig the priority of kowig ad obeyig its truths, the teachers of Grace Baptist Bible Study, a home church, are deeply committed to studyig ad teachig Scripture with diligece ad authority. The focus of each bible study sessio o every Thursday eveig is the proclamatio of God's Word…aloe…the source of truth cocerig the character of God, the ature of ma, the way of salvatio, ad the hope of heave. Declarig Scripture's truth is our highest privilege as hrist's ambassadors. This is doe i the full spirit of cooperatio ad support of the historic priciples ad doctries established by our Souther Baptist fouders. Thus, the miistry focus of Grace Baptist Bible Study is the cotiuous impartig of biblical truth to the people of God…verse-by-verse…that they may kow God ad serve Him i worship ad miistry.

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