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YO (Youth OutreachYouth Organization)

P.O. Box 111325, • Houston, TX 77273 • United States • (281) 726-2186/see/charmin/CM08047

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YO! YOuth Outreach!

Hello! I am a youth assistace o be half of YO! Youth Outreach! Youth Orgaizatio!, a ew youth o-profit 51(c) orgazatio i the Housto Area.I am workig to ehace our visibility amogst commuities ad other youth orgaizatios. e ask if you would visit our website to obtai more iformatio cocerig the program.My ame is Lorethia Nelso ad the Establisher Desiree Collis.The URL is: e will be travelig to various commuities as well as utilizig email to reach the Housto/Harris Couty populatio. Our purpose is to icrease commuity ad youth ivolvemets ad to brig forth more awaress cocerig todays tees. e ecourage doatios ad i-kid support. e eed your support to make this program a success. e are at preset solicitig participats ad resposes to be able to schedule what we will call Help A Tee Day The day is to be a day where tees ad parets come together, ad various youths, agecies, parets, etc ca share experieces, testimoials, agecies ca explai how they assist youths ad some of the crisis that they face oa day to day basis. It is purposed to set the mid of the youth o a positive course. At preset, we are waitig o more resposes, before we set a date. If you or ay oe from your orgaizatio, eighborhood, etc,(Youg or old) would like to participate i the program, please call or e-mail us.Doatios of all kids are ecouraged, as we pla to take the proceeds from this evet ad help a certai umber of youths with back to school ecessities (clothes, supplies, shoes, etc). Your orgaizatios will be highly ackowledged for its geerosity o our website ad o ay other pubilicity. Thak you ad God Bless!

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