WAJB is a true all gospel radio statio that is cocered with miistry oly. We as a radio statio staff have see a youth outreach miistry sprig from our efforts to miister to our local commuities. There have bee ear oe hudred youg people ragig i ages from four to eightee, accept Jesus Christ as the Lord ad aster of their lives. There have bee coutless people helped i oe way or aother ad we may ever kow it all util eterity begis. WAJB is a o-profit, educatioal broadcast facility, licesed to The Calvary Coectio Idepedet Holiess Church of Wellsto, Ohio. "WAJB-LP is a low power radio statio servig a high power God." Our missio is as simple as the timeless lie that states: "We wat to save the world, oe soul at a time." Our goal is to miister world wide someday soo by fidig a place that is affordable to stream our programig through, ad also by havig the kowledge to upgrade the statio as eeded to cotiue util the retur of our Lord ad Savior, Jesus Christ.
WAJB-LP is maaged by Seior Pastor aurice C. Napper. The statio is o the air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The daily programig cosists of traditioal souther gospel, moutai gospel, bluegrass gospel, & coutry-christia gospel as well as traditioal hyms of the faith. Durig the school day there are various voluteers from differet deomiatios ad faiths that ma the statio. After school hours there are studets ragig from the fifth grade to seior grade levels. Durig the school year of 22-23 there were at least oe-hudred sixty studets that were active as disk jockeys ad other eeded persoel to ru ad maage the broadcast facility. Not oly has this prove to be a great miistry tool i our local commuity, but it has also provided a great opportuity for these studets to be a active part of their commuity ad provide a service that they otherwise would ot be able to do. This is ideed a woderful testimoy to the world to see everyoe workig together to provide a miistry orieted service that is ejoyed by so may. WAJB-LP held its first aual, week log,live revival last sprig of 23. This year, i arch of 24, we are holdig our first aual, oe moth log, live revival startig oday the first day of the moth, ad edig the last Friday of the moth. We are lookig for great thigs to happe i the Lord durig this time of revival. We feel that we live i a preset society where may me ad wome must work oe or more jobs each ad are uable to atted services like they should ad would if circumstaces were differet, so we are goig to take the revival service to them as best as we ca durig the moth of arch 24, with eveig services oday through Friday of each week. To God be the Glory Forever.
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