UTCH - ughters United Through Christ Hndmidens - ws founded by Pstor Jnell Cornstubble nd exists for the purpose of bringing Christin women together, to cre, shre nd unite in pryer; to bring unity to the Body of Christ, regrdless of socil, economic, rcil or denomintionl differences.
UTCH - ughters United Through Christ Hndmidens will come to your re with the Word of God to encourge you, the love of God to strengthen you nd the Spirit of God to set you free. UTCH ws birthed out of trgedy. Pstor Jnell, founder of UTCH, lost her only sister, utch, in church vn crsh. UTCH desires to rech out to women of God nd bring unity in the Body of Christ. We re n rmy mrching for God in these lst dys! We need ech other! Write UTCH PO Box 116, Tyler, Tx 7571 for more informtion.
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