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Paul & Maria Pike Teacher/Evangelist

Paul & Maria Pike, C/O 14 Montreal St. • East Fremantle, Western Australia • Australia • /see/charmin/CM07475

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Who Are P&M Ministries?

WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE we are a new ministry dedicated to bringing the Gospel to our nation. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations and to preach the Gospel. The preaching of the Gospel is imperative if we are to see lives set free from the power of sin in our nation. --- We are an inter-denominational ministery particularly interested in ministering to country areas and to smallgroups----If you are interested in gathering a small group of Christians together for ministry we would only be to glad to encourage you in God's word through preaching,teaching or through song. ----SEMINARS OFFERED include topics such as Bible Interpretatiion, Romans, Warfare in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Person of the Holy Spirit, The Preparation and Delivery of Sermons---- MINISRY BACKGROUND---- Maria and I were both BORN AGAIN IN 1979 while attending a Foursquare Gospel Church in Bunbury, Western Australia and remained members of the Foursquare organization till Sept 2003 Both of us experienced the baptism with the Holy Spirit soon after salvation---- OUR MINISTRY; Maria and I both have been involved with youth work in our early walk leading church youth and organizing combined camps with several youth groups involved-- Maria's ministry is, and has been largely to do with primary school age children working in various congregations and within schools.-- She is a very experienced Religious Education teacher being an RE teacher for 11yrs teaching up to 9 classes a week hile being involved in this ministry she has experienced teaching children of a special class of intellectually handicapped children-- My preaching ministry began a year after being born-again.-- Over the last several years the focus of my ministry has been on teaching rather than just preaching although I still am committed to bringing the Gospel to the unsaved through open air preaching and Gospel singing.-- Although Maria doesn't preach she helps with singing.-- Maria and I are deeply concerned with the state of our nation and the sin which is so prominently being manifested and the continual decline in Godliness.-- We long to see people experience the freedom that comes from receiving Christ as Lord, Redeemer and the only one that can deliver us from sin's power.-- It was only when the disciples went and preached the Good News were men saved----STUDY; I have studied at several Colleges over the years including LIFE Bible College Foursquare Gospel Church where I have done most of my study, Tabor Bible College (interdenominational), and studied at Teen Challenge AOG Maria has done study with LIFE.-- I held ministerial credentials with the Foursquare Gospel Church for 13yrs and have produced two substantial works unpublished being a Commentary on Romans and a thesis on Spiritual warfare titled "Warfare in the power of the Holy Spirit" .-- Along with these I am working on a paper looking at Paul's theology on different subjects using key verses in Romans as a guide. --Together Maria and I have been involved in halfway house ministry, youth work and pioneering work in country areas. This has been mainly in Western Australia and has been the area of most of our ministry together-- In the last several years we have been around Australia including Tas ministering wherever we can to individuals, churches and nursing homes. -- OUR PERSONAL TESTIMONY; At the time of our becoming Christians our marriage was certainly not good and we both agree unless Christ had come into our lives our marriage wouldn't have survived due to a lot of personal problems. In the 30yrs of marriage, we, like many others have suffered the loss of children, disappointments from different sources etc yet one thing both Maria and I can testify to is that as we have put His word into practice in our lives we have found success. Perhaps not as the world would see success but more importantly relationally we have found God to be Faithful and True on many occasions like when crossing over from west to East on several occasions by car it was only because His hand was upon us that we got to our destination. I personally am in awe of God when I have seen what I have been able to do in the power of the Holy Spirit. The greatest thing I found in coming to Christ was I understood love for the first time and found someone that truly knew my greatest hopes, my greatest despair and my greatest joy Both Maria and I are more committed to bringing the Gospel to our nation than we have ever been before in our 20+yrs of being Christians. ----FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT OUR MINISTRY may be requested by contacting our email address Over the last 3 years we have continued our itinerant ministry throughout Aust. For the year 2009 we will be in WA seeking to minister God's grace and the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever the Holy Spirit leads. If you would like ministry please contact us - wherever you are in WA. Teaching and further information about our ministry will be updated regularly on this web page when time allows.


SERMON----THE NEED OF THE PROPHETIC----Knowing the Scriptures and a hunger for them comes out of relationship and being baptized with the Spirit. The Scriptures are the foundation of good theology and sound doctrine. As important as it is though to know the Scripture to make a judgment as to who are and who are not false prophets if we are to see revival come to our land we need to be more than simply academically gifted. The Church needs to be prophetic in it's utterances. Eph. 6:17 tells us a/- the war we are in is not of the natural realm, b/- that the only weapon we have is the word of God, the sword of the Spirit. If that is the case to be effective using it the Spirit has to rest upon us, baptize us, immerse us with His presence. The sword of the Spirit is not only the objective word of God but the prophetic word of God. --- THE PROPHET, PROPHECY AND BEING PROPHETIC. --- What do we mean by being prophetic? Let's look at some associated words to understand what we mean by being prophetic. a/. Prophet - one of the "ministry" gifts on which the church is built. Eph. 4:11-12. b/- The gift of prophecy of 1 Cor. is a gift given by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the body. It is an instantaneous, unpremeditated word given by the Holy Spirit and which is to be judged. It is a gift that comes from being baptized with the Spirit. Acts 2:18 declares, "I will pour out my Spirit and they will prophesy." Saul in his epistle says, "be eager to prophesy" (1 Cor. 14:39). Although all can prophesy not all are prophets. The gift of prophesy in the N.T. is generally not futuristic. C/- To be prophetic is to speak the words of God on behalf of God into the lives of men. They may contain Scripture but not neccesarily so. It is more than just a Scriptual truth being spoken it is as if God Himself speaks. That is being prophetic. Vines says prophecy is, "the speaking forth of the mind and counsel of God. ---- WHY THE NEED TO SEE THE PROPHETIC. ---- If we are to see revival we need to be a people that are able to speak prophetically. Both the record of Scripture and the record of revivals show that one of the key factors in bringing about revival was the word of God being being preached prophetically. The words were not some stale, regurgetated words of some other preacher or some words given to the preacher years before. They were words given to the preacher for that moment by the Holy Spirit. A prerequisite then to speak prophetically is to have an ongoing personal relationship with the Lord. Two examples Acts 2:29-41 where 3,000 were saved and Acts 4:4 where it states the number of men grew to 5,000. This happened at the preaching of the word. Some think perhaps we can see revival without the preaching of God's word but this will never be for it is the word given to His servants that the Scripture declares has the power to save and change lives. Do we desire to be used of God in this way? Jesus declared, "The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few". In another passage He says, "Do not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest', I tell you open your eyes and look at the fields. They are ripe for the harvest." There is a need for revival in our land. Not only do we see congregational numbers drop, even in Pentecostal circles but as a nation governments pass more and more laws that are not of a Godly nature. Not only this our society in many ways is breaking down as values that are not of God are embraced with subsequent results being many find themselves bound. Christ came though to set us free from sin's power and all that would hold us back from being the people He created us to be. This is the message we have for our nation.

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