We have envied your doctrine. We too wish we could know about your faith. We are for water baptism, Tongues and more of what is contained in the bible. We don`t wish to leave any of God`s commandments out in our behaviours. You widh to join us PLEASE email us, we shall reply you. You are one of us in Christ Jesus. We are a young ministry in Kenya and looking for partners all over the world, ONLY those who LOVE THE LORD JESUS and His DOCTRINE. God bless you so Much as you join us. Come let us work together for the Kingdom of our Lord. Ones you have anything to be reported concerning the Kingdom please send us your message through mail, or email. We shall print you in our page.
We need disciples from various christian orgnizations, from well deeply rooted bretheren in the word of God. We hope by listing our orgnization in your website many Christian orgnizations will view us And will need to visit us we are ready to organise meeting for them. A WORD FROM SENIOR PASTOR JUSTOL Pastor Justol has been on a visiting tour to one of the Ministries` churches in Kwale District of coast province. Pastor Richard Mutemi is doing a good job. I found that his church has registered more five members. Him and Elder Elius Kadzoyo have teamed up to evangelize the lost in that area. We are requesting any organization who wish to help us with 1000 bible to either send us some or donate cash to buy some for our newly converted members. Our ministry is too young to afford to buy the required number of copies. We need more those who will come to Christ at the crusade of Magodi where we will be opening a new church on 24/8/`003 Pastor Justol who is the senior pastor and founder of Jesus joy installation ministry will be preaching assisted by Pastor Maxalex Mavindu. 18/07/`003. The youth project which is registered with our government knownn as (YOSH) Meaning Youth Self Help has picked up. The last three sundays we has an election for office bearers. We have started saving and saved up to 20,000 shillings and are on the way looking for premises where to start a cyber cafe and a cafeteria. This will help to employ a few number oy our youths who don`t have jobs. Conquently, the proceedings or profits will enable the members to take loans for possible businesses one would like to start. As 20,000 shillings wouldn`t be enough, which is equivalent to dollas $285, we are looking for an individuals, or christian organisations who could be willing to fund us with the remaining amount of about 349,0000 or $4,999 dollars. We promise to stand with you in prayer as you do that. Please email us. A request from senior pastor Justol,Founder of this ministry. 18/07/003, About Nguluku church. We are looking forward to digging a borehole at the church compound. This church is located in a dry area without river and people trek long distances looking for water. The church pastor and the elders requested the senior pastor, Justol to look for ways to have a borehole dug to alievate the communities living around problems. He also asked the senior paster of possibility to have a dipensary for the church that could charge people lowly to afford access to treatments. The water from the borehole would be sold @shs.2 per container of 20 litres so as to maintain the repairs in case it one time breaks down. Again the money realised could do more work to make the church sustain itself. The borehole to ran by windfane machine would cost shs.300,000 or $2859.1 dollars and the dispensary close to 1m. Any individuals, or christian orgamizations are welcome to fund these projects. We shall stand with in prayer so that God may give you an increase and good health for assisting us. Please email us or contact us thro` postal address for further explainations. Pastor Justol J. Ngurukire (Snr). 22/11/2003 Funds for windmill. I`m happy and thankful to Life Ministry who have agreed to dig a water well for our Nguluku church. MISSING. Now we are looping for an organization(s), individual(s) who are ready to finance us with cash for fabrication of a wind mill to help pull the water from the ground to the fetching base.This is estimated to cost (k) Shillings 800,000 or $114,790 dollars. SPONSORSHIPS. We are looking for organization(s), individual(s) to help educate our ministry children whose parents are deceased, or very poor to afford to pay for their amenities while in school. The senior pastor, Justol is ready to give out their names or and their schools where they attend. Photos can be presented to the willing sponsors. We are loonking for organization(s) individuals to finance us to buy a plot where to build and dig a well to help aleviate water problem at one of our churches at Mogondi in Kwele district, 100 kilometres south of the city of Momabasa. Reports senior pastor and founder of this ministry, Justol Joel Ngurukire address and telephone as shown above. We are praying and waiting on the Lord God to touch you. God bless you and we pray also for your needs.
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