WE MINISTERS EVERY FORUTH (4TH) FRIDAY AT 7:00 P.M. EVERY FOURTH (4TH) SUNDAY AT 11:30 A.M. ----PLEASE COME WORSHIP WITH US----- OFFICIALS President- Evangelist Mardell Taylor Vice-President - Evangelist Karen Washington Assistantive Assistant - Missionary Gladys Alls Correspondence Secretary - Evangelist Edith Rogers Recordig Secretary - Missionary Virginia Henderson Finacial Secretary - Missionary Carolyn Chambers Advisor - Mother Lenora Butler Announcement Clerk - Missionary Virginia Henderson Birthday Greater - Missionary Lisa Sims CWC Christian Women Council - Evangelist Edith Rogers Deaconess Chair-person - Deaconess Lynette Walton Evangelist Department - Evangelist Ethel Bolden Hospitality - Deaconess Maxine Owens Intercessory Prayer Chair-person - Missionary Juanita Ross New Members Coordinator - Sister Adrian Featherstone Prayer Bible Band/Bible Study - Evangelist Karen Washington Pulpit Guild - Missionary Carol Kimble Purity Class - Missionary Virginia Henderson & Sister Kimberly Gregory Sunshine Band - Missionary Vera Williams & Sister Tari Spence Young Women Christian Council - Missionary Tabitha McGee Usher Board - Deaconess LaWanda Roy & Brother Joe Sapp EVERY WEDNESDAY - 9:00 A.M. - INTERCESSORY PRAYER EVERY THIRD (3RD) SATURDAY - 11 TO 3 - COMMUNITY DAY/HOT MEALS SERVED EVERY THIRD (3RD SATURDAY (QUARTERLY) - CLOTHES GIVE-A-WAY
SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS FIFTH SATURDAYS FROM 11:00 AM TO 3:30 PM Motto: "Please Pass the Fruit" Seminars: Series: "Bigger Somebodies" 2002 "Changing My World" 2003 Workshops: "It's A Woman's Thang" "To Be Announced"
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