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p.o box 4294/SBS.Surabaya 60401, Jln Katamso I/2. Teling Atas • Manado, North Celebes 95119 • Indonesia • 62431854541/see/charmin/CM05491

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RBCS-STEP is a Charismatics Distance learning education located in Beautifull city of Manado,North Celebes. The area of mayority Christian population. When the riots were exploded in many areas of Indonesia. Manado was the safety place of refugees. DR Steven H founded RBCS-STEP on the year of 1984. Right now RBCS has some 1000 students from 22 province of Indonesia. Mostly the students from Ministers, Bussinessmen,employer,students ,nurse,teacher,Lawyer,etc. They come from 50 different denomination,such as Chatolics, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Assemblies Of God, Pentecostals,evangelicals, Reformed,and so on.


RBCS has a unique Curricullum : Biblical Studies ; Old Testament Studies,New Testament studies, Hermeneutics, Biblical Languages, Word Studies(Greek &Hebrew), Bible Customs . Systimatic Theology: Theology Proper,Christology,Pneumatology,Anthropology,Demonology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology, Apologetics, PRACTICAL THEOLOGY : homiletics,Christian Education,Pastoral Counseling,Evangelism , Church Growth, etc. CHARISMATICS THEOLOGY: Divine Healing, Glossolaly,Praise &worship, Five fold Ministries, Miracles,Deliverance, Holy Spirit, Church Restoration, Discipleship,etc

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