In St. John 17 we see Jesus declaring that His Glory was shown to the disciples. He declares that when all of His followers realize they are already One as He and the Father are united, then the World will truly know Him as The One True Messiah. He declares His Glory will then over-shadow the whole Earth. Just as Jesus taught after His return from His Wilderness experience how He and His Father are One because the Holy Spirit dwelt in Jesus on Earth, at the same time dwelling in the Father in Heaven; thus making them 'One'; All Believers are already 'One' because all who know Jesus are made alive by the Working of the Holy Spirit. Believers once realizing this will no longer feel free to bite and devour one another. No longer will Pastors and various divisions in the Body of Jesus Christ feel free to compete for the 'Sheep'. When Ministers 'see' the true 'ONENESS' in the 'catholicness' or, 'Constant Unitedness' which Jesus & the Father already 'see', as the Holy Spirit dwells in all of the Saints on Earth; thus making the Body of Jesus on Earth, as it is already considered in Heaven, then the Un-Redeemed will 'know' Jesus as Messiah and Lord. Then, where two or more gather, He, with His Shekinah Glory will be present. Then again, as it was declared unto the Disciples before His Death, Burial, & Ressurrection; "Those things you have seen me do: You will do. Even greater than you have seen me do, you shall do." It is in this understanding, that each person in the Body of Jesus will come to realize this truth. We each have not received a 'piece' of the Holy Spirit, as though the Father, & the Son were to whittle a small portion of the Holy Spirit, placing that whittled piece into each Believer Individually: NO! But every Believer in relationship with the Father, through the Working of Jesus, and in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit as is written in Romans Chapter Ten in reality has in them; The Holy Spirit! He dwells in ALL Believers alive, at the same time! Thus, to Jesus, in the Spirit, All Believers are already United into One Body, fitly joined together! That is how Saint Paul could declare, "Do you not know that when you bite and devour one another, you do it even as unto the Lord?" That is how he could declare that any whom said they were of some Church Leader (Apollos, Peter, Paul) were in-deed in sin for No Man, he said; was saved by any of them; Save by Faith in Jesus Christ. In this understanding of Jesus' Prophetic Prayer is 'clearly hidden' the truth which will bring freedom to the Body of Jesus Christ. This Truth we preach!
Every Believer, in relationship with Jesus has within them the Dynamo of the Holy Spirit. It is only through lack of faith, and mis-understanding of the Written Word, that so many within the Body of Jesus suffer needlessly. For, if indeed the Believers (Saints) are in Christ Jesus: If indeed we have the Holy Spirit: Then, every Believer has the Scriptural Right to walk boldly into the Throne of God calling Him Abba (Daddy) God. If we as Believers have the right to enter that Throne Room; knowing Jesus sits upon the Throne next to His Father, then we have the Right to as our Daddy what we have need of in faith. Just as little children having earthly Fathers know they may ask for food and receive! If Jesus, being the Alpha & Omega (Beginning and End) knows all things from the End to the Beginning, do you not think He is well aware of every Believer's needs, weaknesses, strengths, success, and failings, long before we commit anything to thought or, action? Yet, He still says: "Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden... I will in no wise cast you out..." If this being Truth, then; Ask! Seek! Knock! Find! He will not refuse you! Do as King David. Have an open heart toward Him! Be real with Him. He knows all already anyway! Seek RELATIONASHIP with Jesus and His Father! He desires to love on you as a dear loving Father would his new born babe! He has not changed! Only Man in his finite understanding teaches a God un-willing to do for Believers Today, what He has done from the Beginning. Because of these things, many do not see the Hand of God active in their life. Their lack of understanding has made their faith of non-affect. Become as little children, whom not understanding how Daddy & Mommy get their house, their clothes, their car, their food, their toys: Only know they do, and trust them with their very lives. Sometimes it is hard to trust Him whom we have not seen with our eyes but if we come into an understanding of who He is then we will know Him and the power of His resurrection. God is Love! If we understand the depth of His love for us that He would send His only begotten Son to die on a cross that should have been ours then we will be able to trust Him with our lives, our bills, our wants, our desires, our dreams and our hopes. Cast your cares upon Him today for He cares for you! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge him and He will bring to pass what He has promised you!
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