The Restoration and Healing Ministry is a Bible based ministry that deals with family problems and shortcomings and faults. Jesus said come unto me all ye that are troubled, Jesus is the answer to any and all problems, give it all to him. Jesus is the answer. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness [2nd Cor. 12:9 RSV]. The Lord heard my cry and delivered me from my sins and a addictions and gave me a new heart and a new spirit. He placed my feet on solid ground which is Jesus,my rock and salvation. Jesus is the answer. He said "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me". John 10-27"and I gave unto them eternal life,and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand". JOHN 10-28.
The Restoration And Healing Ministry is a Biblically based helping ministry that focuses on life's problems such as 1.Substance Abuse 2.Dysfunctional Family 3.Sexual Abuse 4. Nicotine Dependency(smoking) 5.Eating Disorder 6.Co-dependency 7.Self Hate or low-Esteem Problems This Ministry Church is based upon the following scriptures from the Bible:1.James 5:14-16 2. Luke 11: 28-30 3. Isaiah 61:1-3 4.John 5:39-40 5.John 10:27-29 7.Galatians 6:1-10
Restoration And Healing Ministry Church Prayer
God of compassion, if anyone has come to thine altar troubled in spirit, depressed and apprehensive, expecting to go away as they come,with the same haunting heaviness of heart; if anyone is deeply wounded of soul, hardly daring to hope that anything can afford them the relief they seek,so surpriseed by the ill,that life can bring that they are half afraid to pray; O God,suprise them, we beseech thee, by the graciousness of thy love,thy help and enable them to take from thy bounty as ungrudgingly as thou givest, that they may leave with you their sorrows and sins and take away a song Amen Amen
May God Bless you all---Elder; Joe Wallace--Pastor--Founder--e-mail ELDER1JOEWALLACE@AOL.COM
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