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Paul N. Shafit, Evangelist-Missionary-Teacher

P.O. Box 10971, • Canoga Park,, CA 91309-0971 • United States • (818)314-3664http:///see/charmin/CM04224

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The Calling:

The Lord has placed a burden on my heart for the poorest of the poor, at home in the Canoga Park, California area and through forign missions to the persecuted church. The problem is huge. There are also pockets of unsaved people everywhere. Our ministry connects with those in targeted areas for Christ with humanitarian aid, vocational tools and training. We intercede with local tradespeople and businesses on behalf of the people we serve so that those in need can be connected with those who could benefit by the introduction. We take communities back for the Lord, one healing at a time, and one healing at a time, even the most skeptical scoffer comes to believe.

We Need Your Help:

Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mk. 16:15). You can help in a number of ways: 1. You can invite us to bring a gleaning crusade to your church, or to your community in a cooperative effort with other churches. 2. You can invite us to bring a message of personal revival before your Church or organization, with special attention given to missions. 3. You can interced for us with another pastor who might open his doors to our ministry and offer us the opportunity to address his members. 4. You can support us with your much needed love offerings which can be sent to Paul Shafit Ministries, PO Box 10971, Canoga Park, Ca. 91309. Thank you for your support and your prayers on behalf of this ministry.

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