Indian Christian Revival Movement Orissa Project In 1972 Lord gave a revelation to R. John Elangovan, the founder of Indian Christian Revival Movement that there would be a mighty revival in Orissa. Since then much prayer has been offered for this state which has a record of resistance to gospel for many years. In 1976 he visited Orissa and spent three weeks in visiting many places in Ganjam, Bhubaneshwar, Cuttack and Phulbani districts and sharing the vision with many Christian leaders. In 1996 ICRM has started missionary work in Kalahandi and Nuapada distrcts in Orissa. Orissa is situated in the eastern part of India. Its population is 31,834,601. Percentage of Christian is . Tribes form % of the toatal population. Orissa is the first state in India to frame anti-conversion law which was followed by Madhya Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh. For more than fifty years there have been persecution of missionaries, demolishing of Church buildings and restricting of gospel activities, which culminated in January 1999 in the brutal murder of the Australian Missionary Rev. Graham Steward Stains and his two minor sons, Timothy and Philip and that of Rev. Father Aruldoss, the missionary to Gonds who were serving the locals in a tremendous spirit of selflessness and commitment. Persecution preceeds revival, persecution preceeds multiplication. Our Activities Hence ICRM feels in spirit that it is high time to accelerate the missionary activities in Orissa in the following ways. 1. Preaching the gospel with signs and wonders 2. Planting Churches in Kalahandi and Nuapada districts 3. Training beleivers for the ministry 4. Carrying out social services such as a) Educational ( Primary Schools, Children's Home, Adult Literacy ) b) Medical ( Clinics, Medical Camps, Hospitals ) c) Economical ( Vocational training, Job creating ) d) Community Developmental ( Bore wells, Cultural Programmes ) There are native missionaries and three missionaries ( sent from South India ) in the fields in these two districts. Local Conditions Majority live under poverty line. No good roads, No transports, No schools, No Hospitals, No Electricity, No Protected water supply are in many villages. People are mostly half naked. Poverty is so acute that people sell their own Children, just for one or two hundred rupees. Many women die at delivery. Many Children die of under nutrition. These two districts are regularly hit by acute drought. Our need for Orissa Rs. 1000/- per native worker and Rs. 1500/- per missionary every month. Rs. 50,000/- per Church building. Rupees one Lakh ( Rs. 1,00,000/-) per month for various social activities. Rs. 10,000/- per month for training programme. Besides this we need large amount for making infrastructure facilities.
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few - Mathew 9:37 The above saying of Jesus Christ is so real now. Great revival is visiting Indian very soon. Already we see the signs of revival. Once revival sets in, there would be a great harvest. Great harvest needs a large number of workers. To meet the heavy demand for workers, it is planned to give intensive training to 200 men and women for four months from July to October 2000. Please pray for the needs: 1. An ideal campus where 200 men and women trainees can stay for four months. 2. At the rate of Rs. 5000/- per trainee a total of Indian Rupees ten lakh for 200 trainees. 3. Four couples to stay in the campus to look after the trainees by teaching and caring for them. 4. 200 committed, dedicated, enthusiastic and faithful men and women trainees. 5. Experienced mission leaders, Church leaders and Bible teachers as visiting lecturers. Medium of Instruction English, Tamil, kannada and Hindi Aim : To intensively teach effective evangelism and church planting in the cross-cultural set ups and to aollow them to go into the fields through ICRM or any other organisations of their choice after graduation. Subjects to be taught: Bibliology including Old Testament and New Testament survey. Luke's Gospel. Acts of Apostles. Foundational Doctrines. Prayer, Intercession & Spiritual Warfare. Praise and Worship. Pastoral Care ( Art of preparing, and preaching sermons, conducting various kinds of services like sunday service, communion service, baptismal service, child dedication, house dedication, engagement & wedding service, burial service, counselling etc., ) Evangelism (ncluding cross-cultural evangelism, children evangelism, literature evangelism, personal evangelism, mass evangelism, gift evangelism, power evangelism, etc.,) Discipleship. Church planting And some other relevant subjects. Experience in Training: Since 1985 over thousand men and women have been trained and released in the minstry through short term, long term and extension training programmes in Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Orissa. The man behind this project John Elangovan has been in the teaching and training ministry for more than twenty years. His rich experience both in the class rooms and in the cross-cultural mission fields will benefit the trainees in a tremendous way.
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