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Internat'l Fellowship of Foundational Ministrie

Post Office Box 1472, • Midlothian, VA 23113 • 804-378-4661/see/charmin/CM03143

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The Purpose of IFFM is to :

IFFM is an affliation fo non-traditional, non-denominational churches and ministries. Our aim is to "walk in love" with the other members of Christ's Body and to "...know the Scriptures and the power of God." Matthew 22:29. The IFFM's mission is to: -Build a network of divine relationships that weave together the Body of Christ. -Teach the saints the principles of walking in love, discernment and direction - Stir up the saints in their gifts and callings -Encourage Christian leaders: pastors, ministers and mature believers -Train pastors and leaders to get enough prayer covering -Refresheministry leaders through conferences and workshops -Be a church and ministry referral service -Prepare the BRIDE OF CHRIST for His Soon Coming -Build bridges across the many "streams" and branches that are the Body of Christ - Network of Worship Leaders and prophetic songwriters

IFFM Board

Pastor Taveau D'Arcy, Executive Director of the International Fellowship of Foundational Ministries, The IFFM Prayer Network, President, Celebration, Inc. of VA Music and Book Publishing, Celebration of His Word Music, CCLI songwriter affliate. Rev. Ron Routh, D. of Div, and Family Counseling Terri Routh counseling, leadership training, inner healing and fine arts We view ourselves as TEAMMATES with the Body of Christ! Mottos: "The cutting edge is BALANCE." "There is a LOVE that PASSES KNOWLEDGE." Ephesians 2: 20 "Call unto me and I will answer YOU and show YOU great and mighty things that you know not of." Jeremiah 33:3 "There is a God in heaven who reveals MYSTERIES." Daniel 2: 28 Prayer is IMPORTANT; It is time for the Body of Christ to circle the wagons in prayer. Each of us must "cover the back of the other " in prayer. "Every prayer warrior needs another prayer warrior praying for them." Every prayer GROUP needs another PRAYER GROUP praying for them." BUT "....the GREATEST of these is LOVE." To contact Taveau, Ron and Terri: prayhard4u@juno,com FREE BOOK: ( please include $3.00 for handling) 14 Spirits That Attack EVERY MINISTRY :Getting Enough PRAYER PROTECTION FOR YOUR MINISTRY by Pastor Taveau D'Arcy P.O. Box 1472 Midlothian, VA 23113

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