Not to be confused with Minister OF Music. There has been enough preaching to save the world, if that were possible, not to put down preaching, I do some of that also. The fact is that lost people will sit and listen to gospel music for hours, but won't even consider going to church to hear God's word. Victory Through Faith Ministries is dedicated to getting the word into them any way possible. I have done street ministry, pulpit preaching, Evangelism, planned singings, and I am always up for witnessing anytime or anywhere to anybody that will listen.
The only merchandise available at this time is an audio tape. The album was done the end of 1998 and although it has no original songs of my own, it is very anointed and will bless your soul. The price is $10.50 each including shipping. I am also available for bookings anywhere in the U.S. There are usually three ministers traveling together when we go for revival, but singing engagements are usually accomplished alone (me and God). Gifts are gladly accepted, since this is a small ministry and still in it's youth, the finances are truly scarce. I have faith that God will supply the need either through you or someone else as the spirit leads. God Bless Yours in Christ Jesus Rev. David M. Kicker
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